Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The failure of secular Jewish rule 

The spineless Netanyahu just can't say no to the god he religiously serves and obeys.
He's already allowed the US to interfere in sending in the IDF to deliver the final blow to Hamas with a useless ceasefire. What a fool, what a sucker your are Bibi !
Once again he has been trapped and 'managed' into defeat by his treacherous American idols as 
the ground war has been put off waiting for the witch Hillary to arrive on her broom and sweet talk the idiots in Jerusalem and feed them more worthless crap.
Netanyahu has proven to be an empty man with big empty speeches incapable of leading he follows other and their failed agenda's. He's a scarecrow that Israel's enemies no longer fear because he is afraid to delver a death blow to any enemy that threatens Israel.  
Like a toothless dog ,his only game is to run to his master for another meatless bone.
That is why he has the other lap dog Ehud Barak  close by his side who obediently follow orders of their Pimp/idol/god in Washington.  

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