Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Golden Idols of Babylon

The gods of Babel

Sunday night in the un- holy city of Hollywood, the elite of Babylon gather to worship the stars and to give praise in the temple of their god.

They all bow down before their lord in this orgy
of decadence and excessive gratification of the flesh.

The world hangs on their every word and revere the gods made with human hands.
These gods are imitiated and copied
by their religious followers in ever conceviable and unimaginable way.
The whole earth is silent and watches in adoration as glitter, sacrifice and worship is
directed towards the golden gods of this nation.
They mold the minds of innocent children against the Creator and His law advancing the kingdom of Satan and making war on the Holy things of God.
What they say is good , is evil and all who fail to
honor their work are rejected from their demon ruled Kingdom.
May the God of heaven and earth rain judgment on their wicked and perverse celebration of all that is an abomination to Him .
May they be stopped from perverting the minds of God's innocent children,the great evil they are guilty of. May the earth shake and end this poison flow from hell
May those who claim to serve the living God and partake of this food offered unto demons be rebuked for their doubleminded service and loyalty to this abomination of hell.


Elazar said...

Marcel...agreed that the bowing to the gods created by hands is quite a spectacle indeed. It is so evident in a culture that worship itself and glories in the achievements of men rather than the Creator Who is blessed forever, amen! We are rapidly slidding into the abyss of are sinful making and may we seek His face and Repent for His return is eminient.

Batya said...

but they keep the masses entertained

Marcel said...

entertained ?
That is the chief god of the babylonian empire.

But more than being entertained ,the sheeple have been brainwashed and quite easily seduced by the prince of darkness.
When they awaken in hell with him it will be too late.
Seduction does have it's rewards and heaven is not one of them.
This short mortal life is too serious to give oneself and one's soul over to temporal and crappy 'entertainment'.