Wednesday, March 01, 2006



The true relationship between the US and Israel
In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon because the PLO, from its bases there, was murdering Israeli civilians (in addition to terrorizing the Lebanese population). The Israeli operation was successful, but right as the Israelis were about to deal the PLO terrorists the final blow, the Reagan administration intervened to save the PLO from the Israelis, moreover providing this terrorist organization with a military escort to their new refuge -- in Tunis.[23]
Why? Because the US is an ally of Israel?
From Tunis the PLO was finding it very difficult to kill Israelis, so the PLO was in fact defeated, at this time. But once again the PLO’s problems were solved by the US when Bush Sr.’s administration threatened the Israelis for 8 months with the withdrawal of all economic aid unless they agreed to bring the PLO inside Israel, which the Israelis finally did when the Clinton administration continued these policies (known collectively as the Oslo ‘Peace’ Process).[24] This US bully diplomacy, which has allowed the PLO to kill many more Israelis than before, has increased to a high pitch in Bush Jr.’s administration, with the results that we can all see.
Now, would an ally of Israel force the Jewish state to accept as the government over the West Bank and Gaza Arabs an organization that traces its roots to Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution,[25] and whose founding (and still current) charter states that its purpose is the extermination of the Israeli Jews?[26]
No. An ally would not.
My hypothesis that the US is not an ally of Israel is consistent with sundry other details, such as the fact that, as the Oslo ‘Peace’ Process began in 1994, the CIA was training the PLO, even though the PLO was that very minute explaining in public, in English, to the Western press, that it was going to be killing Israeli civilians (and any Arabs who didn’t want to kill Jews).[27] My hypothesis is consistent with much else besides, which you may verify by consulting HIR’s in-depth investigation into the US-Israel relationship here:


Marcel said...

Someone from Israel emailed it to me today.
It's just more evidence about what I've been saying about dubious w and the devils own who control the U.S.
They have so successfully decieved the majority of dumbslumbered Christian's.

Marcel said...

it has to do with being a lover of the truth .2 Thess 2 11-12
You take the time to seek,and learn the truth and most of the world dosen't give a rip.Theyre more concerned about vain and empty pursuits.
Where your treasure is ,thats where your heart is.

shummer60 said...

The US WAS a ally of Israel. Back when we were a God fearing nation. We are NOT any more. We are a tool of evil overdue for judgement. God is isolating Israel so when he delivers them they will have only Him to look to. They will come to realize that Yeshua is the Messiah.

Andrea its no amazing thing that you see the truth. I believe that God is sending a warning, and you are open and receptive to the call of the Lord.

There are many who believe that March will be a time of significant change and events. I have a feeling they may be correct. But I know that it is in the hand of the Father and it will happens in His time. I believe that we were due long ago and God has delayed so some of us who had fallen away could have a chance to come back, repent, and beg his mercy for our disobedience.