Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Place of Refuge

In the book,
by Dr. R.E. Miller,
Annie Schislerof Montevideo, Uruguay; has this experience....
Because He was going to fill the Earth with great terror and anguish--
and that day was drawing very close --
He was warning His people and giving them weapons which would enable them not to fight, but to find for themselves a place of refuge in the day of great anguish.
Without these special weapons they could neither find nor enter into this place of refuge that He had prepared for them.
And this place of refuge was actually not a place, it was a state --- a state based upon relationship and intimacy with Him.
Even as a small child is taken by the hand of a strong father and is thereby made secure and strong,so would it be with His own.
In that day when He destroys all things without pity, He shall hear no cry for mercy.
It will be as if His ears were covered so that He could not hear.
And because this day was fast approaching He called out strongly for His own ones to hurry.
He told me that only those who have found their place of refuge in Him would be able to pass through this time of fury in safety and be able to wait it out with patience and victory!
"END OF EXCERPT...................

I've kept contact with Ken & Annie in Uruguay over the last number of years.
She has been shown many of the judgments God will send upon this world and America !!!
In 2005 I contacted Ken and asked him about any specific word Annie might have for America ?The short response was that the angry judgment to America could not be stopped.......!Therefore, we as individuals need to heed Annie's Vision and to seek to get closer to God, on a daily basis !!!

Larry T.

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