Soviet Style,
The Puppets vs.the Faithful of Israel
The elite socialist Israeli puppet's of the failed Bush Road Map which rewards the Islamic jihadists at Israel's expense and their loyal black boots know how to get things done.
Get rid of the opposition to the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea &Samaria (West Bank) and intimidate anyone else who would stand in the way of their evil agenda.
As it was during Hitlers evil reign ,there is no resistance from the world or the dead church.
One group serves the evil interests of corrupt men ,the other obedient to God.In this Yom Kippur season the division and battle grows.
The UnJews Pogrom has begun against the Jews of faith.
The puppets who work hard to implement the failed Bush vision of an Islamic terrorist state in the heart of Israel have declared war on the small remnant of faithful Jews who belive God instead of the Cowboy Idol of Israel and his Road Map to hell.
We all know who wins out in the end,even with the whole world against the settler's they win because God is on their side .
The puppets who work hard to implement the failed Bush vision of an Islamic terrorist state in the heart of Israel have declared war on the small remnant of faithful Jews who belive God instead of the Cowboy Idol of Israel and his Road Map to hell.
We all know who wins out in the end,even with the whole world against the settler's they win because God is on their side .
Where is the Church ?
The UnJews Pogrom has begun against the Jews of faith.
Today, Olmert has included the Russians in that Program by giving part of downtown Jerusalem to Putin. (I thought Olmert's power & authoritive seat was over last month?. Could it be thatsome thing won't change in that Olmert may be taking indirect instructions from Mr. Bush?)
Its just the same old treachery of those dark hearts in power who in their arrogance assume they are God.
Bush has his little coitrie of loyal lap dogs who serve him well, but God shall foil their plans and bring them down to hell with the prince they serve.
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