The deceived and the willingly blind like to take the attention far away from the truth and point to someone like Javier Solana instead of their idol.
Well it does not look like Javier is hosting a global meeting to discuss the implementation of Satan's end-time economic system which will shortly lead to the mark of the Beast.
Why do they ignore the most powerful wolf who speaks as a lamb and sits in the head seat pushing forward the devils agenda across the globe but especially against Israel ?
It is because Babylon is deep in their heart and they love their strong delusion more than the truth.
They will not heed any warning because the lie is more comforting to them than the truth.
This below is part of the responses I recieved from a reader who did not have the courage to leave their name.
I am thankful and blessed.
The cowards have judgment to speak against me but not their Lord Bush ?
With him they are silent and only have courage to go after a nobody like Javier Solana who has not done a tenth of the evil Bush has done against Israel.
If you read the whole article on the global summit at the above link there is no mention of their Javier even being in attendance.
But Bush will chair the head seat and of this they cry blindness and ignorance and feed the easily deceived more of their diversion's.
They are angry because I expose the evil works of darkness of the idol they cherish so deeply.
They do the opposite of Ephesians 5;11 and serve the sheeple heaping portions of diversion.
They lash out because I expose them for the deceivers they are.
You are a very dangerous man Marcel.
People don't drink the kool aid !...
If you hate your country so much-get out!
You judge me but you will not judge the false peacemaker who endangers Israel and has much innocent blood on his hands ?
You phony coward.
When these decieved deceivers call the truth hate beware of them because they will lead you astray towards the wolf who speaks craftily,deceptivly like a nice,loveable,sincere,bumbling lamb who only means well.
"Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right," DeFazio concluded.

The article also quotes Norm Ornstein, a legal scholar who studies government continuity at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, who told the paper he "cannot think of one good reason" to deny access to a member of Congress who serves on the Homeland Security Committee.
Well it does not look like Javier is hosting a global meeting to discuss the implementation of Satan's end-time economic system which will shortly lead to the mark of the Beast.
Why do they ignore the most powerful wolf who speaks as a lamb and sits in the head seat pushing forward the devils agenda across the globe but especially against Israel ?
It is because Babylon is deep in their heart and they love their strong delusion more than the truth.
They will not heed any warning because the lie is more comforting to them than the truth.
This below is part of the responses I recieved from a reader who did not have the courage to leave their name.
I am thankful and blessed.
The cowards have judgment to speak against me but not their Lord Bush ?
With him they are silent and only have courage to go after a nobody like Javier Solana who has not done a tenth of the evil Bush has done against Israel.
If you read the whole article on the global summit at the above link there is no mention of their Javier even being in attendance.
But Bush will chair the head seat and of this they cry blindness and ignorance and feed the easily deceived more of their diversion's.
They are angry because I expose the evil works of darkness of the idol they cherish so deeply.
They do the opposite of Ephesians 5;11 and serve the sheeple heaping portions of diversion.
They lash out because I expose them for the deceivers they are.
You are a very dangerous man Marcel.
People don't drink the kool aid !...
If you hate your country so much-get out!
You judge me but you will not judge the false peacemaker who endangers Israel and has much innocent blood on his hands ?
You phony coward.
When these decieved deceivers call the truth hate beware of them because they will lead you astray towards the wolf who speaks craftily,deceptivly like a nice,loveable,sincere,bumbling lamb who only means well.
"Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right," DeFazio concluded.

The article also quotes Norm Ornstein, a legal scholar who studies government continuity at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, who told the paper he "cannot think of one good reason" to deny access to a member of Congress who serves on the Homeland Security Committee.
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