ORIGINAL CAPTION: Your fiat money at work building these bi-level prison cars (by the thousands according to the San Francisco Chronicle) built by KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton). These were parked on the tracks behind a pecan orchard managed by one of my friends in Texas a few months back. They were completely hidden from the highway that paralleled the orchard.The Fetid Feds only moved them at night. It has been reported that some of these beauties have been prepositioned in each state. (Submitted by Ric H.)
Story 2
(I can relate to this sister since dumping T.V. back in late May.
I can't stand to listen to any commercials (and I don't) and it's more evident of the hold the mind numbing media has on the population.
I posted this because it reveals how even those who do not follow God can see what is coming.)
I hope you appreciate this……I don’t watch TV anymore, and can’t think of the last time I listened AM radio……..so I am gritting my teeth and listening to all these ridicules commercials..…in the middle of the night..…which I will not recount to you..…I just hope you appreciate my effort here. 20 minutes + per hour of commercials……ugh! Ok, after 10 minutes of commercials…..I may not make it…..and yet there is one more………AM radio…..no wonder I haven’t listened to it in 20 years.
Story 3
Another Catholic gets even closer to the devil.
Found guilty Jan 28th ,and only now we hear about it.
Found guilty Jan 28th ,and only now we hear about it.
What other things have they been keeping from us ?
Was he converted to Islam in a prison in New York by an prison iman(chaplain) hired by the state of New York ?
The decay and rapid decline is evident everywhere in this now cursed nation.
if you are brainwashed by the government media you may not see it and not be getting prepared.
Seek the Lord while He may be found !
Story 4
...if not sooner.
Obama's poll numbers are way down and I wouldn't put it past him and his gangsters to create a 9/11 situation to increase his numbers or even set up a situation where he has to enact martial law where he can rule like the dictator he is.
What about the stuff they don't know about like a major earthquake or major Islamic attack ?
Story 5
By peace he (anti-Christ) shall destroy many.
The fraudelent U.S. peace agenda has severely weakened Israel.
The nation is now suicidal and cannabalizing it's own.
Story 6
Story 7
About two months ago our sources informed us that the US government had begun sending large amounts of cash to embassies throughout the world to be exchanged for local currency. We have had a number of reports that this in fact has been the case.Having been involved in counterintelligence and for some 50 years in economics and finance, I believe this is a precursor to problems centered around the US dollar
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