The US has demanded that Israel suspend a planned project in east Jerusalem, senior Israeli officials said Sunday - the latest sign of a deepening conflict between the two allies over Israeli settlements.
And it will come to pass in that day (today) that I will make Jerusalem a
burdensome stone for all the peoples;all who lift it will be cut in pieces,And all
the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.
Zechariah 12:3
Do not believe the false prophets of our time,the evil globalist politicians and their fellow travelers.They are only crafty decievers and liars who serve the devil.
The U.S. is the lead nation in dividing up Jerusalem for Satan's last days agenda.
Who would of thought that a supposed christian nation would lead the evil pack of nations ?
What do you think the immediate future holds for this cursed ,arrogant,perverted America ?
"Hillary Clinton opened her speech to the Council on Foreign Relations by acknowledging the extraordinary power that organization has over the U.S. government:
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future."
During the same speech, Clinton declared that the United States will not hesitate to use its military to “defend our friends, our interests, and above all, our people” during a segment in which she was discussing Iran." - Quote from The Most Important News for Thursday, July 16th, 2009
To be told what they should be doing? So it's not advice, it's a command; a set of marching orders you are getting from a select group of rich powerful people! And their will is vastly more important than the will of anyone else (including God) to you!
Yes sir, that's what it means!
The will of the Devil is for them to be united with one mind, and with one purpose, just like it was in the days of confusion in Genesis 11. Global government, and economy, and religion; that's the goal! All it will bring to them is sinful rebellion, unto their eternal ruin, in the end!
They say, "Yes we can."
They say, "We will determine our own destiny. We are our own gods. We will bring peace to the earth, based on our own misunderstand of the Word of God, of/for ourselves!"
They will built it, and it will stand for a week of years, but God will cry out against it unto the end; for, God will tear it down and then punish the builders of it for their iniquity! It is not of Yahweh, it is not according to His will, it will not stand! Amen, and amen.
Why do you think the two prophets of Revelation 11 are sent to them? The Word says they are hated, for crying out against that iniquity, by all the world! And that they celebrate their deaths as if they were celebrating Christmas!
What is the message of these two men? Is it not what I have told you? That only Yahweh Hoshua (Jesus), and nobody else other than His, is the source of true and lasting salvation strength and shalom! Him and Him alone! Every other way are the ways of death; for it is not by might, nor by power, but by His Holy Spirit alone that Israel (as all others) are able to have those things!
Consider this your notice!
You have been warned!
Please pass it on to everyone!
The end of all things is near!
Be wise and make yourself ready!
The pride of hell now rules over America in it's final demise.
The arrogance and nerve of these evil men and women to assume so much upon themselves has an end.
They will be humbled to the dust as this nation will.
Marcel wrote: "Do not believe the false prophets of our time,the evil globalist politicians and their fellow travelers.They are only crafty decievers and liars who serve the devil.
The U.S. is the lead nation in dividing up Jerusalem for Satan's last days agenda."
Marv Rosenthal of Zion's Hope further explains the leading up all of what we are seeing found in of this video clip relating to Rev 12 -- speaking of the Woman & the Dragon...just wanted to share it.
Thanks for the Rev 12 teaching by Marvin.
It's good.
I was living in Orlando when he statred his entertainment/infotainment business not far from Mickey Mouse World.
I never bothered to go.
It's amazing how we spiritless Christians imitate the world jut as Rome began to do not long after the Apostles were all home with the Lord.
I wonder if TBN bought it at a discocunt ?
I was living in Orlando when he statred his entertainment/infotainment business not far from Mickey Mouse World
Good point...I did not know he was in the entertainment business so-to-speak. I was apprehensive quite honestly and had second thoughts on sending the glossy and soft-colored web page (creepy feeling), but thought what he had to say was in line with topic. Also, appalled by the $$$ signs everywhere...that should be the first red flag!!!
Don't get me wrong ,it was an OK video.
My point is that the whole church especially the leadership has become utterly corrupt and manipulated by the world system.
The blind leading the blind as Jesus said.
Unless we are hearing from Him we are walking blind.
Coach Daubenmire wrote a good article about this "Hired Shepherds" at news with views dot com
Yes, I read the article and the week before also-- I quote him..."People have asked me to start a church. I tell them that they are nuts. Truth empties churches, it doesn’t fill them. My friend Flip Benham says guys like me would be the Dr. Kervorkian of church growth. What man of God would want to wipe noses when he could fight evil? No thanks. At least on the streets I can recognize the enemy." I does my soul well to hear one speak the truth and when and how the Lord guides us IF we look and wait for Him to receive His truth & light on any given matter given. It is written in His Word... "If we love the world the love of the Father is not in us." Plain and simple...
Also, thank you for the article on Apostasyalert. It had been a while since I last visited the site and sooo grateful to have been able to receive a confirmation thru the article! Amen! Praise God. God Bless you...
Amen ,Praise God !
Does my latest blog appear when you go to my website ?
It seems that GOOGLE has changed something where you have to hit REFRESH to get it.
This was not the case until recently.
I don't know how long it will be until the evil forces which rule America will silence our voices.
They will eventually call the truth a hate crime and shut down blogs like this.
In the meantime I will continue to speak the uncompromised truth with God's help.
Yes, i have had problems "refreshing" a page here and even attempting to post at times. I've had to change my login info and it states it "does not recognize" my login (I write my info down so it's not as i've forgotten).
Amen, I hope and pray you keep exposing and writing while we still have that "freedom" to do so.
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