The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,And His ears are open to their cry.
The face of the LORD is against those who do evil,To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears,And delivers them out of all their troubles.
The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart,And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous,But the LORD delivers him out of them all.
He guards all his bones;Not one of them is broken.Evil shall slay the wicked,And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
The LORD redeems the soul of His servants,And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.
Psalm 34
urgent analysis
In yesterday's posting, I used an article from the South Korean newspaper Yonhap, about North Korea's long range missiles. While reading the article, I realized it was referring to an article from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. I went to the original article and froze as I read it. The article was dated June 29, 2009. This was the very day the President had a gala homosexual event in the White House for 200 sodomites! The two articles follow:
A post-launch examination of the Unha-2 06/29/09
When I saw the date of the article, it reminded of Babylon and "the handwriting on the wall." The sodomites were partying in the White House, while the proof was being posted for all to see, that NK can reach America's mainland with a long range ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear weapon. I believe that "the handwriting is now on the wall" for the United States.
The article is overwhelming with information proving that North Korean can drop a missile as far as Denver. The amazing thing is this information was not reported in any US news source, but I picked it up from South Korea.
If this report and the timing of its release with sodomites in the White House does not put the true fear of the LORD in the church, what will! And, at the same time, Obama is bullying Israel to divide the covenant land along with Jerusalem!
A post-launch examination of the Unha-2 06/29/09
When I saw the date of the article, it reminded of Babylon and "the handwriting on the wall." The sodomites were partying in the White House, while the proof was being posted for all to see, that NK can reach America's mainland with a long range ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear weapon. I believe that "the handwriting is now on the wall" for the United States.
The article is overwhelming with information proving that North Korean can drop a missile as far as Denver. The amazing thing is this information was not reported in any US news source, but I picked it up from South Korea.
If this report and the timing of its release with sodomites in the White House does not put the true fear of the LORD in the church, what will! And, at the same time, Obama is bullying Israel to divide the covenant land along with Jerusalem!
I agree with John ,I'm not sure when it's going to happen but feel it is soon ,a surprise attack by a Coalition of the willing as the prophet Obadiah warns.
The US is in a deep,deep judgment coma as the perverse masses assemble to worship and celebrate the death of one of their great idol's.
The US is in a deep,deep judgment coma as the perverse masses assemble to worship and celebrate the death of one of their great idol's.
God is angry at the wicked everyday !
I sense that the Holy One of Israel will soon remove the perverse celebrations of this nation forever.
Unimaginable misery,horrible fear and gnashing terror will replace the gay celebrations which now infest the reprobate land and her wicked inhabitants.
Remember Sodom & Gomorrah ?
It's going to be a repeat.
Fireworks for the fourth of July ?
One thing for sure ;
The perverse nation which Israel puts before God does not have a future.
I sense that the Holy One of Israel will soon remove the perverse celebrations of this nation forever.
Unimaginable misery,horrible fear and gnashing terror will replace the gay celebrations which now infest the reprobate land and her wicked inhabitants.
Remember Sodom & Gomorrah ?
It's going to be a repeat.
Fireworks for the fourth of July ?
One thing for sure ;
The perverse nation which Israel puts before God does not have a future.
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