The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit;He has ceased to be wise and to do good.He devises wickedness on his bed;He sets himself in a way that is not good;He does not abhor evil.Psalm 36
'Cambridge police acted stupidly' must now be 'recaibrated' says the president.
An interesting choice of words meant to keep his pride intact.
Is he a soul-less machine in need of recalibration instead of an apology ?
We know the one who is tripped up by his own stupidly Mr. proud fool. (mc)
"Barack Obama was wrong to malign and insult the Cambridge police department without knowing the facts. He wasn't there. This was a local law enforcement issue; yet Obama chose to elevate it to a national racial crisis on prime time television. Obama's comments were racist and irresponsible. He owes the nation an apology," said Peterson.
"Barack Obama is Jeremiah Wright, Jr. Obama's racially tinged and bias[ed] remarks validate the hatred that many black Americans feel towards police, especially white cops. He has stirred up racial tensions and is causing deep irreparable damage to race relations in this country," he said. "Mr. President, words have consequences. Do the right thing as a man and as president and apologize. Apologize to Sgt. James Crowley and the Cambridge Police Department. Apologize to white Americans; then apologize to black Americans for encouraging and in many cases validating their hatred of whites and police officers."
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
Obama's War against Israel
Round 1
Obama 0 / Israel 1
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