Saturday, January 02, 2010

Lisa Miller defies the wicked judges

The supreme courts of Virginia and Vermont ruled in favor of Jenkins, saying the case was the same as a custody dispute between a heterosexual couple. The case was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to hear arguments on it.

Her crime is that she loves her daughter more than the perverted laws of this damned nation.
It is now a crime in America to seek to raise your children in righteousness and the fear of God and the wicked are raised up by the Government to devour the righteous.
This is truly a damned nation.
The wicked make war against the righteous in the land of perversity and something the wicked are ignorant of is that God will have the last word.

His justice will eventually come when His mercy is spurned.
Stand firm and strong in the Lord against the gates of hell dear sister in the Lord.
Godspeed Linda and may the Lord judge between you and the wicked speedily.

How much more did the MSM leave out ?

Judge William Cohen issued the order despite Miller’s insistence that Isabella has shown signs of trauma from previous court-ordered visitations with Jenkins, including a complaint from Isabella that Jenkins forced the girl to bathe naked with her. It was for this reason, according to Miller, that she refused to comply with the visitations that Cohen had ordered.

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