Sunday, March 07, 2010

Your Filth And Guilt


knowall said...

Hi again Marcel,
Have you seen this awful news?
The BBC like to refer to it as "religious clashes" but it looks more to me like genocide of the 500 Christians by Muslims in Nigeria.

Blessings from Spain

Marcel said...

Hi ex,
Thanks for the link.
I've been watching this story and knew without a doubt it was moslems killing Christian women and children because the western media did not identify the assailants as you pointed out.

I wrote thisjust before coming here to a YouTuber who wrote me on how Muslims have been getting away with genocide for centuries.

So true, Think about this
They get away today with the assistance of Western governments and especially the media who always cover up for Islam's evil.
It's more evidence that this cursed world system is under the direct influence of Satan.
The left and even the right have the same father (god) which Islam follows,the father of lies,the great deceiver.Thank God we look for another kingdom where righteousness dwells.