Tuesday, May 04, 2010

EMP could leave 9 out of 10 American's dead

These IDIOTS keep telling us Islam is a religion of peace,they keep bringing these MUSLIM terrorists into the country and they target LAW ABIDING American white men and tea party folks as the terrorist's.
We saw their excitement as they were looking for a white man who took his T-Shirt off in the heat of the day and with their INCOMPETENT bungling.
1.The FBI losing the Times Square bomber.
2.TSA too busy harassing non muslims ,greenlighting this muslim terrorist to board the plane for Dubai.

What I am trying to say is that before God judges a nation he makes it's arrogant,blind leaders big idiots.
We missed this bullet but with no repentance and humility coming from the filthy,floating,oily scum at the top we're soon to be hit and hurt real bad.

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