Thursday, February 14, 2013

Israel's Misplaced Faith

It is tragic in the most horrific sense to see how Israel has deferred to and foolhardily trusted the US and the UN for any substantial action on the very real threat from Iran.
The price for this grave error will be horrific indeed.

It is especially tragic that the devious,untrustworthy politician Netanyahu and the majority of Israel follow an evil two state agenda instead of leading the nation to trust in the Lord alone. God has given the greedy Arabs more than enough land and it is shameful that you do not hold onto what little land God has given you !
By following the Road Map Israel is in direct rebellion against God whose word never changes.
Do you not see the never ending failures that litter the dead end road you have chosen ?
Daily Israel's faith challenged leaders see the impotence and stupidity of the collapsing U.S. superpower they continue to serve with undeserved religious devotion and reverence and still they refuse to turn away from this lying idol.
God did not return Judea and Samaria for you to give it to His enemies for lies of peace.

Peace with Islam is impossible

God set Israel in the middle of this evil and darkness to make Himself know in all the earth when He defeats and destroys the armies of the false god allah.
He did not call you back to your ancient homeland to serve America or Obama but Him.
Israel ,you have worked hard to be like the other nations with a perverse,godless zeal but this agenda is doomed to fail because it is not God's plan for Israel. 
This gross idolatry of serving America above God and it's false and evil two state Road Map only leads to war and destruction and not peace.
This national sin will surely bring Israel much suffering and ruin,all to learn what the nation should have already known.
America is not Israel's God.
To ignore God and look to this devious,lying decadent,broke,reprobate,corrupt,collapsing nation America for anything is beyond foolish,it is your death wish.
Don't blame God for what you bring upon yourselves by disobedience and rebellion.

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