Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The signs are bad on every front

There's a reason that the Chinese call this the 'Year of the Snake'

Are you asleep ,assuming that all will continue as it has before or are you seeking the Lord like your life and survival depended on it ?
North Korea has carried out its third, most powerful nuclear test despite UN warnings, and said "even stronger" action might follow.

stronger action ?

Iran working closely with North Korea against their number 1 enemy the US while Russia and China feign disapproval.

President Obama says North Korea's defiant nuclear test a threat to US national security

The Last Pope

Lightning strikes the Vatican
Reminds me of the old Frankenstein movie when the doctor turns on the juice to his horrible creation,lightning and sparks illuminate and charge the night.
Soon the devil will unite apostate Christians under his global umbrella using the 'false prophet'.
I notice a few Christian media who cozy up to the wolf dressed as a lamb and silence the truth for the cause of a false unity,beware of the apostasy,beware of the falling away.
The only Shepherd we need, Messiah Jesus has only a remnant so don't follow the herd or the wolves in white.

Did Sodom and Gomorrah have a smell problem before God rained down fire and brimstone on them ?
signs are everywhere but who is watching or listening to God's many pre-destruction warnings ?

What 45 % of American's don't realize is when the economy collapses they won't like the job that their 'check is in the mail,food stamps are on the way' hero,god, boss,President did.
Then it will be too late and misery will replace their confidence !

Is a cut in food stamps coming ?

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