Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ISRAEL,Snared by the Fake Peace Process

Have you noticed how Israel always keeps reminding itself and others that it has the right to defend itself ?
When was the last time you ever heard the leader of a country keep repeating this mantra ?
A nation which has no doubts that it can defend itself never has to keep repeating it.
One that is beholden to green lights and red lights from their masters is in doubt and so it must reinforce something they know they no longer have.
That is the hidden cost of following the most evil Road Map that few if any ever talk about.
Israel realizes that they traded in their sovereignty for a worthless peace process and must now always get green lights and permission from Washington ,their Pharaoh O to do anything.
Proof of this is how quickly the well trained poodle Netyanyahu folded when Secretary Clinton came to rescue Hamas before the IDF was dispatched to finally defeat them.
The same thing happened with Hezbollah in the second Lebanon war of 2006.
Israel does not have permission to do much of anything especially defeat another Arab army ever again and so Israel talks and talks and talks.
Iron Dome is a crafty tool that the diabolical Empire uses to keep Israel restrained in a defensive mode ,far,far away from any decisive offense against the enemy.
The poodle of Israel is content to be under the thumb of this lose,lose Washington strategy.

Passover II 

Will the loyal lap dog of Pharaoh O. wake up in time and break Israel free from its latest enslavement ?

engineering the collapse

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