Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama Can't find Osama

...but he's sending killer drones to Libya  

Almost 10 years after 9/11 and the great empire with deep pockets can't find public enemy #1 ?
A failed war in Afghanistan and the disaster of the Iraq war isn't good enough for these globalist perverts
And now we have Sen. John McCain and Hussein Obama  singing the same tune in another place.
Evil is afoot 
The globalist con man and fake Republican Senator John McCain is in Lybia singing the praises of the al Queda linked rebels in Benghazi, Libya today not long after the U.S. Secretary of State promised $25 million to help them fight Moamar Gadhafi.  

Darkness has fallen on the evil empire as the homeland sinks deeper in the mire created by them.

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