Friday, April 01, 2011

Rule of the Incompetent

Islamic terrorists probe Camp Pendleton and are released

These 3 real and persistent threats to the U.S were caught and released
because the fools in control don't want to offend the death cult,Islam.
A perverse double standard is at work from the top down which will lead to the deaths of
many American's.
Criminal Incompetence
The reason this story hasn't gotten past the local level is because the media covers up for their
incompetent partners ,the Department of Homeland Security who are busy targeting others who aren't a threat.
If it were any other group they would have been arrested and held under the Patriot Act until national security got to the bottom of their plans and found their fellow  terrorist cells before they attacked.
They're going to wait until after they attack as they did with their 9/11 incompetence.
Instead of targeting the growing Muslim threat the idiots in the U.S. Government keep busy importing these Islamic terrorists into the country and giving them assistance and release them when they are caught being up to no good.
Do I need to remind you that the U.S. Army gave Major Nidal Hassan a promotion for the many red flags he raised and after his email contact with al Qaeda in Yemen ?  
This country is in greater danger than the average citizen realizes due to the ongoing incompetence of the evil,godless perverts and deviants now running the government.

Hezbollah accelerates preparations for war
Israel trusted the U.N. 1701,and this is their repayment for foolish,misplaced faith.
Jeremiah 17:5


Cargill birds take a hit. No health risk ?
Sick birds going into food chain

web attack

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