God keeps His Word .
Long ago He spoke to Abraham,father of the Jews, and said;
I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you
As I closely watch the news I see without a doubt that everything President Bush touches is cursed ,a failure and getting worse.
(They're lying bigtime about the economy ,it's falling apart)
If you're not watching closely ,you are being decieved by the flood of lies from the government media servants of satan.
Spin (lies) are the only silver linings in the dark cursed cloud which follows him closely.
Long before this president's cursed Iraq and Afghanistan war's when the U.S. was forcing Israel to restrain it's defensive war against the Islamic killers of Gaza
for his fake peace,causing many Jews to die at the hands of these homocide,suicide bombers, I knew and sensed God's wrath at the hypocrite nation and leader.
God would exact payment for this evil in American blood.
Not too long after began the death and maiming of many U.S. soldiers for Bush's phony and useless war on an action verb we know as 'terrorism'.
God directs America's path to soon destruction for many reasons.
Wickedness and arrogance,interference in His agenda related to Israel being just a few.
Pride goeth before destruction.
THE CURSE ON THIS EVIL FOOL George CONTINUES TO GROW,and I believe it will get much much worse when he puts into motion more severe sanctions against Iran.
This fraud has stretched the U.S. military to the breaking point and Russia and China can see we are over extended ,exposed and ripe for a quick decapitation.
A naval blockade just might set off the tribulation period with Ameirca's swift destruction.
Oh how the mighty are fallen !
The Bush inspired Palestinian state along with his Road Map are nothing but a curse upon Israel and the Jews,sold as the greatest trojan horse deception in history ,
peace with the Islamic hordes intent on Israel's destruction.
Israel cannot survive cursed George's Palestinian state.
Israel's Defender will put an end to the cursed fools'evil agenda.
1.Thousands of veterans return with mental illness
Nearly a third of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who received care from Veterans Affairs between 2001 and 2005 were diagnosed with mental health or psychosocial ills, a new study concludes.
President Bush announced that Mexican truck drivers will be allowed on America’s highways within sixty days. Soon, he’ll announce that Mexican drivers will “do the jobs that American truckers won’t do.”
How many ways can an American president screw his own citizens? On Bush’s watch, America’s poor suffer job losses in landscaping, construction, dry wall, hotel, restaurant, lawn mowing, retail, fast food, roofing, taxi and dozens of other trades. On Bush’s watch, outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring work cost American citizens 1,000,000 jobs. On Bush’s watch, America’s manufacturing sector lost 3 million jobs. On Bush’s watch, over 10 million illegal aliens crossed our borders in six years. On Bush’s watch, hundreds of thousands of killers, drug dealers, rapists and child molesters roam free in America.
Now, President Bush drives his serrated knife into the heart of American truckers.
Undeniably true. Not to mention the North American Union being set up right under our noses with hardly a word in the media, and nuts on the internet saying it's just a conspiracy theory when there's undeniable evidence. Those nuts are probably on the government payroll - they even announced they were going to infiltrate the blogosphere and message boards.
Their plan is led by Satan who will lead them to their end.
Pride goes before destruction and this arrogant nation goes the way of all other proud nations into the dustbin of history.
America is an IDOL, dude. I think it's kind of an ironic joke that the most popular show in this country is American Idol. God is mocking us by letting it be so popular.
That said, Bush himself is a judgment. If God raises up all leaders, that means good ones and bad ones. Christians are on record as saying God sent Bush, so they are hung by their own words. God raised him up precisely to bring about our destruction.
He tested the discernment of His people, and they failed badly. Even as the rotten fruit was exposed, they still defended him and mocked and attacked any who called him out. They let themselves be led by the ear with a couple of narrow wedge social issues instead of being about the Lord's business of saving souls, and this is the result. Fast forward seven years, and gays and abortion are still with us, and not leaving any time soon. Meantime the Lord is blasphemed daily from all sources, and we still focus on people's bedroom habits. As tho if everyone stopped sleeping around suddenly Paradise would ensue.
It's all WORKS BASED. We seem to think good works will save America, and that is an insult to the finished work of Christ. Works are filthy rags, doubly so if the person s unsaved. So not only is it a useless battle, it's a waste of time better spent, since we do not have much left.
There will be a backlash such as not seen since the Holocaust, against Christians. Sooner or later Falwell or someone will say something so incredibly assinine in their defense of this Admin that the nation will just explode on us all. How do I know? Cuz I'm about ready to explode myself.
I know we can't be the only two who see the handwriting on the wall for the vain and foolish christians in America led by their flesh and the blind, hireling, whore sheperds who will fallwell into the pit ?
I saw an SUV in my area yesterday with the 'chrsitian' fish logo and the W in 04 sticker and I wanted to throw up on those blind sheep headed for slaughter .
I'm sure the expect to be raptured out before they/we are persecuted.
From looking at your blog, it appears that you first write your entries in notepad and then later cut-and-paste them into Blogger.
However, you're inadvertantly putting in cr/lf's (carriage-return, linefeed) into your text in places where they don't belong, making it goofy looking.
To improve the appearance, here's what I recommend: after writing your text in Notepad, turn off the wordwrap. Then check your text and make sure that the paragraphs are separated by cr/lf's, and that the text within the paragraph are not wrapped.
Then do the cut-and-paste.
anonymous moron has nothing to say about the content but much to say about nonsense ?
That is why America is in the condition it is in.
So many going to hell with perfect word syntax and correct spelling but without a clue.
Educated idiots dot the landscape of the empire in rot.
Spoken like a true godly Christian. Instead of a thanks for the tip, he's a moron and idiot. Way to go. Make one want to be a believer just like you. . . . NOT!
I think anon was really trying to help. I didn't get any sense of condescension in his/her suggestion. There are people who know more than us about some things.
If I cared or needed an arrogant snob to tell me how to better do my blog I would have asked.
I deal with the truth,not cut and paste nonsense.
You comment on the subject matter or get lost ,got that ?
The 'godly' Christian in America supports their warmonger president as he pushes his fasle peace agenda ,rewarding the Palestinian Islamic terrorists whose open and stated goal is Israel's destruction.
The godly Christian always judges everyone else but his lord Goerge.
I do thank God I am not walking in the delusion and darkness that these 'godly' morons stubbornly walk in.
I do warn you as I have been charged to do,but the Lord has let it be known that many will not let go of their delusion because the pride of their hearts.
You are too arrogant to confess you have been decieved by a lying politician masquerading as a Christian. Maybe fool would better describe you than moron ?
Onde você encontra Paul cursing Caesar? Não. Seu Christianity é falso e delusional. Seu ódio será seu downfall.
Cept when Caesar was named Bill Clinton, then it was okay. Yah, we're onto the partisan crap, and trust me, God is as well.
There's plenty speaking out against this particular Caesar. Just as Nathan to David and Moses to Pharoah. It's completely biblical when circumstances warrant, and most especially when millions who claim the Name of the Lord stand behind this Caesar. Better to defend the God of Heaven than the King of Babylon.
This trick will not work. This is always the first club out of the bag when they have no other defense. Pulled on me many times, and funny how those who tried it are gone and I'm still standing.
Onde você encontra Paul cursing Caesar? Não. Seu Christianity é falso e delusional. Seu ódio será seu downfall.
Don't you get it ?
The arrogant fool who has the audacity to carve up God's Israel and reward it to His enemies has brought a curse upon his own head and America's.
Do you understand english or is it you never let the truth interfere with you delusional mindset ?
AF - Thanks for the ID on the other riders.Praise God He unseals His word to those who watch and pray and seek in these awesome days.
I do thank God for getting me away from all those hireling Church leaders who push their latest moneymaker books and lead the fleeced flock astray as they whore it up with their earthly kingdumb.
Steve ,something which does not surprise me is YOUR silence on the fact that your lord and master George carves up Israel.
Why are you silent ?
Are you O.K. with what he is doing ?
Or do you sweep all reality under youyr large rug so as not to deal with it in your worship of your demimangod ?
Reality will come to bite you hard Steve.
You can't serve two master for too long. One will dump you !
The 3rd Rider could also be the EU Prez of the time, since it is a rotating post. The point being, the Euro even now exceeds the dollar in value, thus is the only logical replacement currency after the dollar crash. Simply a matter of who makes the decision when it comes.
Inflation is, simply, an oversupply of money. If the EU has to print massive amounts of Euros to get it into worldwide circulation, such inflation would have to be massive. No magic involved. Just basic understanding of currency markets.
Having established that, a great many assume the AC will be this EU leader, completely forgetting he unites the world's RELIGIONS. Religious fervor seems rampant in those days, in fact, since they acknowledge him as God later.
So how can a mere politician unite religions? However, a religious leader can do that very easily. He starts as a 'little horn', someone of no importance coming out of left field. If he was the EU leader, that's a pretty big horn in those days, since such would have final say over the new world economy.
So they are seperate riders. The 4th comes up AFTER the ten nations are already running things. He wasn't there when they took over, at least not so's you'd notice.
More than that I will not speculate. Suffice it to say the Beast comes from somewhere NO ONE is looking. The EU is far too obvious, and Satan is perfectly happy to let us keep looking there as he does his real work in the shadows.
Love how you stand, bro. It's a tough job. That's why very few want it.
Quote: There is such an over abundance of lies coming from Israel's enemies that I decided to do my little part to help stem this flow of lies and deception.
If you really want to do your part to dispel the lies about Israel (and there is plenty of that), then at least care enough to clean up your text so that it is readable for people.
Otherwise, nobody is going to care enough to bother reading your blog.
There's millions of blogs out there, and if you want to be taken seriously at all, then it's going to require a bit of effort on your part. If you can't do that, then get out of the blogging business, because nobody out there owes you the time of day.
The subject matter I write on speaks for itself.
You don't focus or comment on it ,only it's presentation ?
I tru;y believe that you don't like the subject matter and because you are too cowardly to addmit it you attack by way of cleaning up the test.
Those who are more concerned about this aspect are educated idiots and fools who follow the party line of lies and decepton and in their hearts hate the truth.
The truth ,TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT !
Most of your crowd follow the wise fools to their demise.
They are so full of arrogance that they reject the truth because it is not written properly.
You're not interested in the truth ,just well packaged B.S.
I like the Moses style leader with his not so perfect speech .
Thank you for telling the truth about job loss in the US under Bush's watch. What jobs for workers like me? White, middle aged, have some college, and will be willing to work whatever hours for whatever salary. Try looking for a job, in a city like Chicago, if you are lucky you will find one. More than likely you will starve and rot in hell.
Also as a Jew that has a son living in Tel Aviv I am thankful for the straight forward comment about the bastards that run Israel.
Maybe the Christians or the self-hating Jews would like rockets like Kassam shot at them - I think not. If you want to flame me, go ahead. This blog is just fine with me.
Why would I flame the truth ?
Sadly it will get much worse and the only refuge from the storm will be in the Holy One of Israel and Messiah.
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