cut & paste exerpts;
see link for complete article
The people go blithely on their way ignorant of the true state of the nation. They are fed propaganda daily, which suggests that since we are the most powerful nation in the world today we have nothing to fear, but fear itself. The media sings the praises of the economy, and a bear market and thriving consumerism covers the fact that rottenness and decay are eating away at the foundation of the nation, and have been doing so for an extended period of time............
Mr. Ahmadinejad may be a fanatic, but he is no fool. He has cataloged every move of the Bush administration. He is so familiar with the behavior of Mr. Bush and his cronies in the administration, that I suspect he knows what they will do before they do it. He wants a holy war, he craves a holy war, and in his mind he needs a holy war to usher in the Mahdi, the heir to all prophets. He has set his trap and baited it with care, If Mr. Bush reacts in the manner that he expects him to react, he will have his holy war, and the United States will be poised for disaster. It seems that fools rush in where angels fear to tread....................
That war, if, or when, it comes could very well be the proverbial straw, which breaks the camel’s back. In this case the camels back is the nations economy. This is our Achilles heel.......................
Thus it appears that before George W. Bush is out of office he may preside over a fall from world power of a historically huge magnitude. Like Captain Queeg he has been busily navigating in circles and is about to steam over his own towline and cut the nation loose from it’s dominant position in the world. It is an unhappy position that the President finds himself in. He is surrounded by mental incompetents with little in the way of discernment and wisdom, and deprived of political allies in the Congress, who were turned out of office because of an alienation of the electorate brought about by his own petty stubbornness and stupidity. Yet he continues along a pathological course, through historically dangerous times, on both the international and the domestic fronts.
Indeed Mr. Bush is the perfect caricature of Captain Queeg sweating in the face of an interrogation as to his competency, and justifying his actions with a fumbling, rambling and often disjointed discourse about nothing more significant than a quart of strawberries.
Where is the link to the complete rambling article you mention above?
Strawberries, Strawberries!
Place arrow cursor over title of article and click once.
Link worked today...yesterday it did not. Maybe browser issue
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