Road Map leads to Disaster
The lessons of the 2006 war were well learned in the war councils of Teheran, Damascus and Cairo. Egypt and Iran entered a missile race to see who could supply more rockets to Israel's enemies. Within barely a year of the war, over 20,000 new short and medium range missiles were aimed at Israel. When Syria entered the war on the third day, Israel was buried alive.
Day One - In a massive coordinated attack, some 6,000 missiles hit the Tel Aviv area, knocking out much of the military's operating and intelligence networks. Hundreds die in the rubble. The survivors are in panic. The Israeli government has left the country before the airport is overwhelmed first by terrified civilians, then by the enemy.
Day Two - Another 6,000 missiles are shot throughout the country, knocking out electricity and isolating army units into pockets, defeatable by anti-tank missiles. They are first attacked by the Palestinians and their missiles, then Israeli Arabs, then Arabs from everywhere.
Day Three - Syria enters the war and fires 10,000 rockets on its first day. Israel is now in sheer chaos; it has all broken down. In East Jerusalem, 140,000 Arabs march to the Jewish West. They have burned the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and are now streaming out from every gate. Many Jews run to the forests, but they'll die of thirst if they manage to evade capture and fatal abuse. The Western Wall is destroyed with its rabbis and worshipers forced to watch. They are led away in tears. None is ever seen again. With the enemy coordinated and Israel without a chain of command, the nation has already disappeared. The enemy first takes over isolated settlements, breaking their defenses and their wills. The men are hunted down. They are gathered together to watch their wives and children raped. Anyone who dares turn his eyes away is shot, if he's lucky, fatally. Those who survive will soon dangle from the nearest meat hooks or other useful slow death apparati.
Day Four - Word is out in Damascus, Cairo, Amman, and throughout the Middle East, that Israel is for the taking. The Zionist leaders were ready for flight and were gone. The people were left behind to be slaughtered. Syrian soldiers were now flushing "proud" Jewish soldiers out of the isolated IDF camps. Many of these soldiers were not going to fight to the end. They left the camps with their hands in the air, totally defeated. In the cities and towns, Israelis walked down shattered streets, looking for safety. There was none. It was better to be old and ugly and maybe get shot. For the attractive ladies dressed in top brands, death never came quickly enough. The lovely ladies of Judaism were mass raped, left to consider their fate in the ruins of their homes and then, maybe, shot only once through the head.
Day Five - America calls for a UN ceasefire, but it is planned to be too late.
The men in their Peugeots are rushing to Israel for the treasure or the scraps; maybe they'll have to settle for a feeble old man. If nothing else, he would know the humiliation of being sodomized.
The Jews had sat back, ignored reality and let their government sell out the nation's resources and defenses. They couldn't see that the Jews had been infiltrated and their leaders were betraying them to death. And they won't see it next time, when the third Holocaust begins.
You left out one step in your analysis. Israel has over 100 nukes that she would gratefully launch if they were close to being over run as you depict here. Otherwise I think your analysis is dead on.
Last I heard in the early 80's it was 200. I'm sure they have more than enough and much more than 200.
The problem is that their leaders suffer from the Masada disease.
A terminal disease wch leads to national suicide.
A strong leader is not allowed t orule Israel by decree of the U.S. Emperor, only weak stooges make good puppet minister in Israel and this is well plannned by the trojan friend of Israel.
Your comments are not that different than what can be leveled at the US leadership. We have all the weapons to solve terrorism but not the political will to use them and the americans are making Israel fight their war to the death the american way. We saw that just recently in Lebanon.
The U.S. stopped Israel from finishing up in Lebanon.
After 5 decisive wins over the arab hordes by the IDF ,the U.S. WILL NOT PERMIT THEIR VASSAL SLAVE STATE OF ISRAEL another victory.The U.S. is saving arab face and honor in sacrificing Israel to them.
It's all about the number$ and there are more moslems than Jews.
I wrote this below at another forum.
If Israel was following and obeying God, He would have long ago removed all of their enemies. That is His promise to His people.
One of the many serious mistakes Israel has made has been in looking to the world's superpower for peace instead of God.
The Idol of power has mesmarized israel into it's present yoke of bondage.
I believe Yitzak Shamir was the last Isralei P.M. who said no to the U.S. for a short interval.
Israel has built this formidable Idol/Yoke in the land ,one in which complete obedience is given.
This Idol surpasses any honor and respect given to their Creator ,the God of the Universe.
The leader of Israel has direct contact with Israel's new Ball/master god by way of a phone and frequent flights to Israel by this Idol's personal secretary .
She is coming next week to squeeze out more Jewish blood for the sake of God's enemies.
The incredible religious obedience without question to this Idol is astonishing .
Much Jewish blood has been sacrificed to this eagle and the eagle gets thirsty for even more innocent Jewish souls and Israel's leaders continue to deliver without fail.
This religious observence and obedience astounds me.
I know the reason why Israel has not defeated Hamas,Fatah and Hezbollah is because Israel's leaders are wicked men and women who bow to Idols made with their hands and only God can free them from this latest slaverey they are under.
These enemies are openly intent on destroying Israel,but Israel is more concerned about world opinion than they are about God's ,so Israel does nothing except accept the restraint placed upon them by their Idol Baal-master.
All Baal worshiping Israeli leaders suffer from the Masada disease.
A terminal disease whic leads to national suicide.
A strong leader is not allowed to rule Israel by decree of the U.S. Emperor, only weak stooges make good puppet minister in Israel and this is well plannned by the trojan friend of Israel.
Only God can save Israel ,and He will. Seek Him while He may be found !
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