Gal 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
Fatah & Hamas are truly happy ,they are openly united in their goal of destroying Israel. To keep the false peace process going ,the U.S. continues the lie which decieves even the very elect.
Fatah and Hamas have united and the hypocrite ,arrogant superpower which tramples Israel's sovereignty continues to move forward their final solution Road Map,proving that their war on 'terrorism' is a big lie meant to decieve Christiandumb and Zionistdumb.
Everything about President Bushs' phony peace Road Map is a lie ,mixed with miniscule crumbs of half truths.
The decieved ones are quick to judge the messengers and watchmen and they never,never judge their demigod who can do no wrong.
It's a strange religion this worship of mortal man, but something Saatan is setting
up with his now forming anti-Christ kingdom on earth .
Any who question or talk bad about their god is subject to their severe wrath.
These decieved Christian's have slipped off their foundation Rock and built upon lies and quicksand and they hate all who shine the light on their grave and fatal error.
This reveals where their loyalty truly lies and it is not with the Kingdom of God,but another kingdom.
They accuse me of hate while it is themselves who hate any who would question their replacement lord and god.
I've notice how this president speaks with smooth and soft words with both hands covered with innocent blood.
Smooth words are enough for these easily decieved who have fallen under God's strong delusion................. because they have left their first love and turned to another.
They failed the test and now follow a lying politician with all their heart and loyalty.
Adolph Hitler had the same ability to mesmerize his loyal folowers.
Is there nothing this evil president does that will awaken those under the grip of a strong delusion ?
It's all smoke and mirrors meant to decieve the naive and gulliable sheeple.
The United States said on Sunday its ban on direct aid to
the Palestinian government would remain in place but it broke ranks with Israel by authorising contacts with some members of the new unity administration.
The U.S. consulate in Jerusalem said Washington would continue to shun Hamas ministers in the power-sharing cabinet but permit contacts with non-Hamas members on a case-by-case basis depending on developments.
The decision to allow some contacts marked a shift in U.S. policy and a break with Israel, which has vowed to boycott the new government in its entirety, including non-Hamas ministers.
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