Bolton tells BBC,the U.S. gave Israel time to defeat Hezbollah in the 2nd Lebanon war this past summer.
That's a lie.
The dis-information agenda of the U.S. continues.
The fact is that the U.S. OK'd a limited air war and when that failed gave IDF ground forces a matter of days to go after Hezbollah.
The US. has been in Iraq 4 years with no time table for victory.
The double standard is blaring.
The President's Secretary Rice called P.M.Olmert & Defense Minister Peretz on the phone and told them to retreat as the U.S. and French led ceasfire was now in force.
Times up ! and the vassal puppet of president Bush, Olmert obeys without protest.
A loyal stooge who endangers Israel's survival because he listens to George and not God.
They did not give the IDF enough time and that's a fact which the Orewllian Empire easily covers up with the help of their devious globalist order media.
Saudi Arabia and Egypt pressured the U.S. to reign in Israel and the U.S. obliged their close Islamic allies.
Thats another fact Bolten left out
Robbing Israel of a clear victory in Lebanon has only enocuraged the Islamic terrorists in their war against Israel.
The U.S. hinders Israel from defeating another Arab army as the count was 5-0 in Israel's favor.
Helping Israel's enemies save face and not face another sound defeat is a high priority of U.S. policy in the Middlle East.
That's why the word restraint has been used so often by this President against Israel and never directed towards the Palestinian terrorists.
They are protected,armed,trained and given massive amounts of financial aid by the U.S. government.
A betrayal ,a sellout of Israel to gain much needed good P.R. from the Islamic world.
The U.S. has never been under a rapid timetable to defeat the terrorist's in Iraq and get out ,but they put Israel in a restrained and limited box .
This U.S. restrained air war on Israel will surely come back to bit Israel.
That is what the empire of liars is covering up.
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