I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.Joel 3:2
Someone asked me at another blog ;
Why blame Washington for Israel's dire straits ?
Washington didn't enter the situation of its own accord.
My response ; It is the President of the U.S. who is dividing the too small nation of Israel and parsing it out to her intractable enemies for his counterfeit peace.
Washington which you seek to absolve of all responsibility is the grand manipulator and intimidator here and entered in as the big bully.
We have a big and supposedly 'friendly' bully who uses threats against the much smaller unloved nation with no other real friends in the world.
Why blame Washington for Israel's dire straits ?
Washington didn't enter the situation of its own accord.
My response ; It is the President of the U.S. who is dividing the too small nation of Israel and parsing it out to her intractable enemies for his counterfeit peace.
Washington which you seek to absolve of all responsibility is the grand manipulator and intimidator here and entered in as the big bully.
We have a big and supposedly 'friendly' bully who uses threats against the much smaller unloved nation with no other real friends in the world.
This is treachery at it's worst and why P.M. Sharon capitulated after his visit to the wolf Bush in 2005 and agreed to surrender Gaza to these people.

So put the heavier weight of blame where it belongs with the deceitful bully.
President Bush is responsible for Hamas terrorist led Gaza because his personal vision Road Map is what he is forcing down Israel's throat under extreme pressure ,not the Saudi's whom you attempt to switch blame to.
The buck stops in Washington with this evil man and no matter how much lip stick you put on him he's still serving the devil's agenda against ISRAEL.
Of course Sharon is responsible to a lesser degree just as the 10 faithless spies who felt like grasshoppers next to the giants in the land of milk and honey.
President Bush told P.M. Sharon ;
Do as you are told or we will not longer be your only friend on the planet ,and remember we are a global superpower with much,much weight and we supply you the best of $ and weapons to defend yopurselves.
Sounds like evil worse than extortion and so why not blame the big amoral bully who only sees $ as the end game.
Israel has been snared under a Faustian counterfeit peace deal by an evil treacherous and deceitful empire and so the blame goes to the treacherous dealer here playing the false ally.
America is now paying the price for her treachery.
Our economy and land are being wasted by the Holy One of Israel for our arrogance and great wickedness.
Do as you are told or we will not longer be your only friend on the planet ,and remember we are a global superpower with much,much weight and we supply you the best of $ and weapons to defend yopurselves.
Sounds like evil worse than extortion and so why not blame the big amoral bully who only sees $ as the end game.
Israel has been snared under a Faustian counterfeit peace deal by an evil treacherous and deceitful empire and so the blame goes to the treacherous dealer here playing the false ally.
America is now paying the price for her treachery.
Our economy and land are being wasted by the Holy One of Israel for our arrogance and great wickedness.
How can any true believer remain full of the patriotic,idolatrous pride of hell instead of mourning in sack cloth and ash ? It's not possible unless they are under a strong delusion.
This my friends is how far the Church in the U.S. has fallen as her leaders sole message to the sheep headed for slaughter is not a call to repentance but ;
'Vote for McCain'
As far as the dollars go that are given to Israel, I heard Ms.Tamar Yonah say on one of her broadcast that those American dollars can only be spent back in the good old U.S. of America!
The other thing I can't understand is how any free thinking person anywhere on planet earth can blame G-d for all the ***** weather! Just about everyone, that will admit it, knows that the ***** weather is caused from all the chemicals being sprayed in our skys. And they know who's responsible for it also! kathylou
Israel has ignored God and bent their knee to this false god,false peace maker,false friend and suffers for this sin against God.
The dollar is already becoming worthless.
What will Israel do when God brings the American empire to the dust ?
kathylou,It's amazing how weak and impotent your god is and how mere mortal men have more power than Him.
To give the glory to evil men for the weather is to ignore God who controls men and the weather.
I don't care if they have machines to cause earthquakes,ect.or not in the end it is God who controls the weather.
He has permitted man the wisdom to create the bow and arrow to the nuclear bomb (which they will use to kill millions).
It's no wonder Israel's enemies no longer fear Israel ,their god is the U.S. and not the Holy One of Israel whom they ignore.
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