Two word's that make our once great and invincible U.S. Naval Carrier groups obsolete,sitting ducks,floating death traps.
Do some homework ,book up and learn how unprepared we are for any attack on Iran and why a U.S. Naval blockade may sink more than just our Navy.
We have no plans to attack anyone, but we consider it necessary for all our
partners in the world community to clearly understand ... that to defend the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia and its allies, military forces
will be used, including preventively, including with the use of nuclear
weapons," General Yuri Baluyevsky said.

Many years ago, Soviet planners gave up trying to match the US Navy ship for ship, gun for gun, and dollar for dollar. They shrewdly adopted an alternative approach based on strategic defense - developing several supersonic anti-ship missiles, one of which, the SS-N-22 Sunburn, has been called "the most lethal missile in the world today." Today, Russian missiles are a growth industry generating much-needed cash for Russia, with many billions in combined sales to India, China, Viet Nam, Cuba, and also Iran. In the near future this dissemination of advanced technology is likely to present serious challenges to the US. Some have even warned that the US Navy's largest ships, the massive carriers, have now become floating death traps, and should for this reason be mothballed.The Sunburn missile has never seen use in combat, to my knowledge, which probably explains why its fearsome capabilities are not more widely recognized. Other cruise missiles have been used, of course, on several occasions, and with devastating results.
During the Falklands War, French-made Exocet missiles, fired from Argentine fighters, sunk the HMS Sheffield and another ship. And, in 1987, during the Iran-Iraq war, the USS Stark was nearly cut in half by a pair of Exocets while on patrol in the Persian Gulf. Not only is the Sunburn much larger and faster, it has far greater range and a superior guidance system. The Sunburn can deliver a 200-kiloton nuclear payload, or: a 750-pound conventional warhead, within a range of 100 miles, more than twice the range of the Exocet. The Sunburn combines a Mach 2.1 speed (two times the speed of sound) with a flight pattern that hugs the deck and includes "violent end maneuvers" to elude enemy defenses. The missile was specifically designed to defeat the US Aegis radar defense system. A single one of these missiles can sink a large warship, yet costs considerably less than a fighter jet. The US Navy has never faced anything in combat as formidable as the Sunburn missile. Try and imagine it if you can: barrage after barrage of Exocet-class missiles, which the Iranians are known to possess in the hundreds, as well as the unstoppable Sunburn and Yakhonts missiles. The questions that our purblind government leaders should be asking themselves, today, if they value what historians will one day write about them, are two: how many of the Russian anti-ship missiles has Putin already supplied to Iran? And: How many more are currently in the pipeline? The US Navy will come under fire even if the US does not participate in the first so-called surgical raids on Iran's nuclear sites, that is, even if Israel goes it alone. Armed with their Russian-supplied cruise missiles, the Iranians will close the lake's only outlet, the strategic Strait of Hormuz, cutting off the trapped and dying Americans from help and rescue. The US fleet massing in the Indian Ocean will stand by helplessly, unable to enter the Gulf to assist the survivors or bring logistical support to the other US forces on duty in Iraq. With enough anti-ship missiles, the Iranians can halt tanker traffic through Hormuz for weeks, even months. With the flow of oil from the Gulf curtailed, the price of a barrel of crude will skyrocket on the world market. Within days the global economy will begin to grind to a halt

Protection from the antiship missile "Yakhont" does not existthe Russian producers of sea armaments they present in the world armorer market the version of antiship missile with artificial intelligence "Yakhont".As the experts of the academy of military sciences reported today Itar- TASS, "Yakhont" it was intended for dealing with the sea aircraft-carrying groupings and has the most perfect guidance system:with the salvo fire of the rocket they themselves classify targets/purposes according to the importance, are selected the tactics of attack and the plan/layout of its conducting.After destroying main target/purpose, rockets attack the other craft according to diagram "one ship - one rocket".During the next decades not one fleet of the world will have the combat means with this Russian weapon.According to the tactical-technical characteristics the "Yakhont" considerably exceeds rockets like the "harpoon" (USA), "otomat" (Italy), "Exocet" (France)."Yakhont" weighs 3 tons (length - 8,9 m, diameter - 0,7 m).Flying range - is more than 300 km at the speed almost three times of that exceeding the speed of sound.The weight of the warhead of the rocket - 200 kg. with the target approach "Yakhont" is reduced above the sea surface to 1,5 m. in the opinion of experts, "Yakhont" will not have competitors on the world market for weapon into nearest quarter of century
Lol! There isn't even defence for the Moskit "Sunburn"! Yakhont is smaller, faster and more advanced and it will smoke a carrier before the battle group even detect it. The new Sovremenny can carry 12 of those babies. They are more than enough to take out a carrier battle group (2 or 1 if a good hit for the carrier, 1 each for the escort). There is NO WAY to stop it.

It (and the Moskit) is designed to counter the AEGIS system. Which the U.S. Navy relies very heavily on and is the best right now availble. I think the Yakhont is Mach3 at high alt and Mach2 sea skimming (dunno about the exact specs but Moskit is M3 high and M2.2 sea skimming). It is probably the most lethal missile in the world. 3 times as fast as the Harpoon and is far more advanced than the Exocet. In fact, Russia is at least one generation ahead of the U.S. in missile and supersonic torpedos (yes, supersonic. The Kursk was testing it when it went down.) Besides being fast, it has violent end game maneuvers and a fire-and-forget (anti-jamming) system to make countering it even more impossible. The chinese gov't is currently buying some Yakhont and many incorporate the tech into their own missiles. This is a clear warning to the U.S. to mind their own biz and if the U.S. send carrier battle groups to Taiwan. The U.S. navy can consider them as lost. P.S. The Yakhont is land attack capable. Imagine Bush's Star War defending against these missiles fired from a submarine (underwater firing version likely).
The Prophet Jeremiah gives a vivid picture of the last days in Chapter 30. Jacob (Israel) shall return; this has and is in process. He shall rest and be quiet (yet to come). The LORD says He will be with Jacob and promises to MAKE AN END OF ALL NATIONS where He has scattered them.
This has happened in Russia over the past 20 years; she will arise once again because she has not totally been judged yet, just embarassed. Russia's judgment comes in a massive way at Gog and Magog war.
The last nation on earth with the largest Jewish population is America. Sin, pride, arrogance, unbridled lust has reached up to the heavens. God says He will make an end to ALL NATIONS where Jacob has been scattered. Israel also has been and will still be punished in large measure.
It is our turn. Draw near to Him on an individual basis; He knows those who are His and He will hide those in the shadow of His wings until the indignation is past.
We will not recognize our nation after the next series of judgments. A police state with massive violence for a season is upon us. He will shelter those who are His.
To whom much is given, much is required.
Yes it is our turn.
Most of the assimilated and at ease Jew's and Christian's in America won't make it.
The many false prophets of our day full of arrogance who speak of America's greatness ,forgetting Who made us great and going to war against Iran as if we were God will eat their pride filled, bitter words with tears and mourning as it is God who has raised up our long list of enemies to now come agaisnt us and humble us into the dust.
We should be in shame and mourning for the wickedness done in our land and not haughty.
The proud American/Christian is about to become extinct.
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