You have to be a consumate liar to be in politics and stay in power anywhere today.
All you need is a strong army or police force like Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe.
Power and corruption are joined at the hip and truth is murdered in the streets thruout the earth.
The empty ointment of democracy as a global elixor and cure has been a dark cloud of strong delusion especially within the church.JESUS' SOON COMING KINGDOM WILL NOT BE A DEMOCRACY !
The game of this world's present global democracy seller is deceive,cover up and lie with a straight face.
It's all about the root of all evil, that's the god America serves.
The once sure foundation has been replaced with the sand of lies,greed,wickedness and lawlessness.
God has been kicked out and shallow, empty, powerless,dead religion has replaced Him .
That is the condition of the Church in America today which has the blesssing of the state.
And so to keep this sinking,stinking,sick empire afloat lies are necessary.
The Wizard of Oz projectsa his false image from behind the curtain.
The current crafty wizard in the WHite House is having a difficult time,(one disaster after another as God kills our god ,the economy) and I think we will see martial law before the November elections as the only way to keep the Titanic afloat now is by martial law.
The sheep headed for slaughter love it and they want to hear lies.
They don't care about the truth and this is why destruction has become their closest friend.
No need to awaken and repent,all is well and they are in complete control is what they want to hear from their lord's of lies.
Successfully dumbed down by the Beast government school's,media and their propaganda
arm of scientists and doctors ,the masses are controlled and manipulated just like we saw in
the Soviet Union.
An example of what I am saying is the tomato scare here in the U.S..
It's been about a week since we heard tomatoe's were sickening people in sixteen states and the experts tell us they still don't know where the contaminated tomato's came from ?
What an insult to people still capable of thinking.
The lie is swallowed as the story is now fading from the media and memory.
Soon it will be gone and forgotten if the liars have their way.
While listening to an internet/shortwave radio broadcast last night someone emailed in a news story from Canada about the bad tomato's coming in from MEXICO.
The evil ones who serve Satan and his new world order do not want their North American Union derailed and so with one voice they lie and keep the truth far away from the easily deceived masses.
They reason that the truth might harm business with Mexico and raise concerns about laborers defecating in farm fields which have no oversight or health enforcement procedures.
The truth would expose the failure of their free trade Babel agenda as American farmers are burdened with oppressive laws which drive them out of business and give advantage to lawless forces.
This is just one example of how the evil forces now in control ,lie for their master and hide in the darkness what they are doing.
How much more are they doing in the dark shadows that never sees the light of day ?
How much of Christiandumb is deceived and trusting their dark lords ready to bow to the image of this Beast ?
Those who place their trust in the beast and not God are getting sick and will die in the millions.
judgment of the whore and the beast has already begun
The strong delusion,
It is working until Jesus returns !
Yes the Whore (the religious system) and the Beast (the governmental system) both have their followers, and they will continue to follow them right into the abiss...the pit of Hell that burns for ever...amen
I don't know about you seed sower ,but I'm eating tomato's.
I wonder what tainted food item they have prepared for us next ?
I pray over everything I eat and I trust the power of God to keep me. For if I shall in ignorance eat any deadly thing it shall not harm me..or any other born again child of God prepared for this hour by having their vessels filled with the Holy Spirit of God...
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