Other options are disappearing. The sanctions are not effective. There will be no alternative but to attack Iran in order to stop the Iranian nuclear programme," Mofaz told the Yediot Aharonot daily.
The almost 400 pt. drop in the market and largest rise in oil price's in one day ever is tied to Israeli Govt.Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz's word's today.
Israel will be made the scapegoat for everything gone wrong.
Satan will make sure of that.
That was the main catalyst for the panic and a panic it was.
The government/ media continue to outright lie and deceive.Many news outlets saying it was because of the .5% rise in unemployment. That was the smaller shake and not what caused oil to spike up.
I see the Lord shaking,shaking and shaking the foundations of everything.
One news commentator called it Black Friday. They haven't seen anything yet.
Everything is in place.
The U.S. and Israel are now making real and heated threats against Iran.
They have ratcheted up the rhetoric to code red.
What these deceived leaders do not grasp is that Iran promised many years ago not to wait to get attacked ,but attack first.
I think we have crossed this red line,point of no return after this week.
Only God knows when the sword He is sending will fall ,but it is out of His sheath.
When the U.S. goes after Iran ,this will bring her destruction and
enter us into the 42 month period of tribulation.
Israel will be blamed by the world and survivors in the destroyed U.S.
Christian Israel haters like Rick Wiles and others will fan the flames of hatred and perescution against the Jews and those who love them.
Christian will be divided against Christian with Israel being a major catalyst.
God is determined to draw all the nations against Israel for their destruction ,and so this must come to pass.
Israel's sin has been to trust in the U.S for her help and not seek their God and He must remove the stumbling block,America.
The rider on the white horse of Revelation 6:2 has gone forth conquering Afghanistan and Iraq and to conquer Iran.
This will usher in the rider on the red horse,Russia,China,sword of Islam,Iran,Venezuela,ect. which God has raised up to destroy America.
God has become America's enemy.
Because of that any Christian who join's up to save America will fall into the same judgments of those who ignored Jeremiah's warning's and fought to save Israel when God sent Nebuchadnezzar to judge His wayward nation.
We are that generation to see the fall of our nation.
Jeremiah 50-51
*picture above/Valley of Jezreel where the blood will flow to the horses bridle at Armageddon.
The earth will now taste of the wrath of God in great measure until Jesus' return.
They fellowship with hillsong church which in turn fellowships with all manner of prosperity preachers and the Lord only knows what else from america.. I will run some research for you if you like...not everything that glitters is gold as grandma used to say...most of these mega churches are blind to what is occuring in the earth as far as God's judgments go..sad to say...
You will notice if you go to Hillsongs website that they don't invite anyone who will give people warning of the day and hour they live in, they are in the same catagory as Rick Warren, who incidently has been a guest speaker, along with tj jakes and this year again joyce meyers... go check it out and i am sure the wee fellow you e-mailed has had all the same speakers in his church. Although again I say these people have a lot of good things to say...the whole truth of the Word of God is missing...I know more about Hillsong, I have family that attend there...so I know of what I speak...so long as your a speaker who will end up telling the people how truly great they are and how they deserve the best of everything, with a little chastisement for sin thrown in...hey mate your ok i'm ok were all ok in Jesus...get my drift...lol
Oh America why would you not hear the Word of The Lord?
Proverbs 1:24-32 24 Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, 25 Because you disdained all my counsel, And would have none of my rebuke, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, 27 When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you. 28 "Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me. 29 Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of the Lord, 30 They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke. 31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, And be filled to the full with their own fancies. 32 For the turning away of the simple will slay them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them;
1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
I decided to change the message
I know that Joseph Creation Church in Singapore will never respond to what I wrote on what is soon coming with this Iran war.
Thanks for the words .
I heard bad things about Brian Houston and Hillsong.
And I see that the whole church in general is in the five sleeping virgins mode.
Sadly the five other virgins with oil will not have enough for our fellow virgins.
I have a burden and a love for the Joseph's and the Brian's and those under their leadership.
But for the grace of God that is us.
I came out of TBN,Word of Faith long ago and a few weeks of Benny Hinn in the early 90's and so many who fall into so much religious deception are left behind because they put their trust in men like Warren and impe ecvt .instead of Jesus our only true Shepherd.
I pray that the Lord would shake many out of their fasle comfort.
So much is happening so fast as with Daniel
Thanks for letting us know ,so we can pray for his successful operation tonight.
Will be praying for Daniel.
And also agreeing with you that The Lord would shake many out of their false comfort as well!
I do recommend checking out all ministries on Google with "NAME heretic, false teacher or false prophet?"
Most times if the ministry is involved in heresy, it will be found on the first few pages.
And like you pointed out Marcel, we do need to be careful of being harsh and definitely pray for them if they truly are involved in false teaching.
As our brother Paul testified, these are indeed perilous times.
James ,thanks for that info.
I looked at and bookmarked the Australian Moriah ministry link you provided to go back and read some more.
I think it's only a matter of time before this whole internet gets shut down once this thing explodes.
Work while it is light for the night comes .........
google is evil
How 'nakba' proves the fiction of a Palestinian Nation [Excerpts]
A primer on propaganda
Over the past few years, the term nakba (also spelled naqba) has become the favorite nonsense word of the Anti-Israel Lobby. Meaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, it has been embraced by anti-Semites all over the planet to refer to Israel's creation, which supposedly imposed a "catastrophe" upon the "disenfranchised Palestinian Arabs."
Of course, the real catastrophe that befell the Arabs in 1948-49 was that they failed in their attempt to annihilate Israel and exterminate its population, and for that they paid a price.
Meanwhile, nakba Nonsense has been spreading. Google finds over 85,000 web pages referring to Israel's creation as a "nakba," and a Yahoo search finds even more than that. The anti-Israel web magazine Counterpunch cannot mention Israel without using the term. Even Israel's leftist minister of education, Yuli Tamir, has ordered that the nakba be taught as part of the curriculum in Israeli schools, where Israel's schoolchildren can be taught to mourn their own country's existence.
(Tamir, who was previously a professor of education at Tel Aviv University, is so bizarre that in the summer of 1996 she published an article in the Boston Review defending female circumcision in the Third World and denouncing those who expressed disgust at the practice - see [the Summer 1996 issue of Boston Review.]
Nakba ceremonies are now held each year by leftist professors at Israeli universities who mourn the very creation and existence of their country.
Spotted this on MSN this morning:
Could this be the covenant with death they are working on?
Isa 28:18 Your covenant with death will be annulled, And your agreement with Sheol will not stand; When the overflowing scourge passes through, Then you will be trampled down by it.
Thanks for the link.
The covenant with death is already in place for some time now.
It's the Road Map ,Palestinian state vision of the counterfiet peacemaker Israel now bows down to.
How do you think God feels that His people have run to King George for peace and obey his every suicidal command for no peace while they ignore Him ?
Believe me ,this is bigger deal in God's eyes than the blind church has faced up to,their own hands stained putting this evil one in power.
It seems many Christian's are in deep denial and always looking elsewhere when it is in our own front yard ,this Road Map covenant with death.
Sometime we miss the forest looking for the tree.
Pay close attention.
Olmert just got back from his visit to Baalmaster Bush in Washington and got his commandments to fulfill.
He is an obedient servant,but not of God.
You have to keep in mind who the POWER/FORCE player is here ,it's not terrorist leader,small peanut's Abbas or corrupt puppet Olmert ,it's ____________
Who has kept the corrupt,Islamic terrorist filled Palestinian ship afloat with billion's of dollars when it would have sunk under it's own weight long,long ago ?
Another hint.
Who proclaimed his vision of a Palestinian state on Jewish land (covenant with death) to the world on June 24 2002 ?
Follow the Force man who is engineering his vision into fruition.
Notice how it is not God's vision and how the dumb,sleeping American harlot Church admires the evil one in their midst who play his deception so well ?
I wonder what is urgent ?
I'm going to try and listen in
6:30 pm east cost time ,I think ?
4. Please take time to listen to Pastor Vincents urgent message in California by going to www.kbrt740.com on Saturday, June 7th at 3:30pm West Coast time. Once on the KBRT website click the Listen Live Button.
The counterfeit peace of king George will incur the wrath of God shortly when Israel is pressured to ethnically cleanse more Jews from their land for his vision of a Palestinian state.
The Palestinians are quite open of their plans and Bush is not stupid but evil because he knows the end game also.
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