Response to the Jerusalem Post article It's time to act ! on the need to attack Iran immediately.
As sure as God's word is true ,there is no turning back what is now before us.
The church is deceived by the false early rapture doctrine and asleep.
No ,it's too late to stop Iran without the price being the opening of the door to the tribulation period !
Armageddon,is the only option left.
That is the only sure option ,it was written of by the Jewish prophets long ago and it is now coming to pass before the eyes of those not blinded by their false gods and idols which will not save them.
It is the Armageddon Option which has arrived in our generation.
There is no good outcome. Caroline assumes that Israel bombing Iran set iran back and give Israel and the world more time.
This delusional thinking ignores the reality that Russia,China and Iran's many other allies will just sit this one out as they did with Afghanistan and Iraq and that the Islamic sleeper cells which have crossed into the U.S unhindered will not do immense,catastrophic damage.
Already we see a sizeable Russian Naval Fleet parked in Syria's port of Latkia with missiles aimed towards Israel and her IAF jets, ready for that sure day which is almost upon us.
The only real option for sane Jews and Christians is to stop trusting in corrupt, political fools and return to God and fear Him ,seek His face and hide from His wrath which He is sending upon a wicked,godless,perverted earth.
exerpt ;
The implications of what has happened in the last twenty four hours insure that our Republic will now fail.
The idea of the United States government rescue plan has an estimated cost of $500 billion according to media reports.
Bull crap.
To completely save the financial system and execute a Resolution Trust Corporation style rescue (RTC2 hereafter) the Federal Government and U.S. Treasury will have to buy not only Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) as is being advertised but the following other forms of toxic debt:
All failing CDO, CLO, HELOC, CMBS (Commercial Mortgage Backed Security), Credit Card Securitized debt, Subprime and Prime Auto Loan Securities, Corporate Bonds, Money Market funds, and the soon to impact wave of degraded Municipal Bonds.
$500 Billion? More like ten times that amount.
The other consequence of this collapse in logic by refusing to allow free markets to operate as they should will be a huge new wave of defaults. What motivation doess a homeowner have to renegotiate with the bank if their home is under water? If they have a $300,000 mortgage on a home worth $210,000 the incentive now more than ever is to walk away and let the government deal with it and the banks have no reason to accept nor initiate new terms when the paper can be submitted to and dumped on RTC2. This will trigger a new wave of defaults and foreclosures that will probably create a wave of municipal bond defaults as I predicted in the commentary "Municide". The auto loan financing corporations and holders of credit card securities now have zero incentive to complete or initiate so-called "work out agreements" with customers as a bankrputcy will no longer impact their bottom line as they can dump their toxic debt on the government.
Barry Ritholtz of The Big Picture blog said it best last night when he said:
"1) We suffer a loss of Market Integrity; The US is now a Banana Republic" ......................
When Skylab started to fall, NASA tried everything to boost the orbit. Once the fuel was expended, the reentry event was given great credence with some officials and citizens even considering hiding in shelters on the off chance it would crash into their homes. Well, the U.S. Government just fired it’s engines for one last time. The eventual consequence of the actions we have witnessed the last thirty days will be an equity AND bond market crash. There is no reason to invest in American stocks, bonds, derivatives or commodities as the real risk of nationalization to preserve market integrity is now a consideration for any investor inside our borders. Would you buy stock in General Motors at $10 per share if one day the Treasury’s new RTC2 stock stabilization program said they are buying the company until "market conditions improve" for $1.05 and you had no choice or vote in the matter? I think not. If you are told what your investments are valued at instead of letting the markets determine them, then you will not hold them. So the smart money will sell into this rally, go into hard assets quietly and wait for this shoe to drop. The AIG model will result in a huge crash when all is said and done and the idea or reselling acquired failures via auction will provide futile and disastrous.
So enjoy the show comrade. Get into your fallout shelters. When this sucker re-enters the atmosphere and reality, it will look like this:
The idea of the United States government rescue plan has an estimated cost of $500 billion according to media reports.
Bull crap.
To completely save the financial system and execute a Resolution Trust Corporation style rescue (RTC2 hereafter) the Federal Government and U.S. Treasury will have to buy not only Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) as is being advertised but the following other forms of toxic debt:
All failing CDO, CLO, HELOC, CMBS (Commercial Mortgage Backed Security), Credit Card Securitized debt, Subprime and Prime Auto Loan Securities, Corporate Bonds, Money Market funds, and the soon to impact wave of degraded Municipal Bonds.
$500 Billion? More like ten times that amount.
The other consequence of this collapse in logic by refusing to allow free markets to operate as they should will be a huge new wave of defaults. What motivation doess a homeowner have to renegotiate with the bank if their home is under water? If they have a $300,000 mortgage on a home worth $210,000 the incentive now more than ever is to walk away and let the government deal with it and the banks have no reason to accept nor initiate new terms when the paper can be submitted to and dumped on RTC2. This will trigger a new wave of defaults and foreclosures that will probably create a wave of municipal bond defaults as I predicted in the commentary "Municide". The auto loan financing corporations and holders of credit card securities now have zero incentive to complete or initiate so-called "work out agreements" with customers as a bankrputcy will no longer impact their bottom line as they can dump their toxic debt on the government.
Barry Ritholtz of The Big Picture blog said it best last night when he said:
"1) We suffer a loss of Market Integrity; The US is now a Banana Republic" ......................
When Skylab started to fall, NASA tried everything to boost the orbit. Once the fuel was expended, the reentry event was given great credence with some officials and citizens even considering hiding in shelters on the off chance it would crash into their homes. Well, the U.S. Government just fired it’s engines for one last time. The eventual consequence of the actions we have witnessed the last thirty days will be an equity AND bond market crash. There is no reason to invest in American stocks, bonds, derivatives or commodities as the real risk of nationalization to preserve market integrity is now a consideration for any investor inside our borders. Would you buy stock in General Motors at $10 per share if one day the Treasury’s new RTC2 stock stabilization program said they are buying the company until "market conditions improve" for $1.05 and you had no choice or vote in the matter? I think not. If you are told what your investments are valued at instead of letting the markets determine them, then you will not hold them. So the smart money will sell into this rally, go into hard assets quietly and wait for this shoe to drop. The AIG model will result in a huge crash when all is said and done and the idea or reselling acquired failures via auction will provide futile and disastrous.
So enjoy the show comrade. Get into your fallout shelters. When this sucker re-enters the atmosphere and reality, it will look like this:
Tragic ,The Gathering

Our great leaders have pushed God aside and assume to keep the Titanic afloat ?
He's laughing and so am I.
How does one explain to others the deep sense of VINDICATION from the Lord in seeing Him expose this great evil.
It has been a lonely few yrs for me now as I lost many loved ones over daring to vocalize my concern about this man and the evil agenda behind his proposed Road Map to peace deal.
I wonder where the accusers are now?
Oh I know,they are silenced!
They STILL refuse to repent, why should they ,they have another idol in thier midst.
So sad!
Did you mean to put "not do" or "now do" here?
Islamic sleeper cells which have crossed into the U.S unhindered will no do immense,catastrophic damage.
Thahks for pointing thaT out ,the missing 'T'.
I was referring to the writers delusion that if iran is attacked it will give Israel and her idol the U.S. more time , I meant to say 'they assume that the Islamic sleepers now in the U.S. won't attack.
My point to these fools is that they will attack and we won't have 'more time ' as the writer assumes.
Jerusalem Post did not post this talkback which I posted at their comments section.
They like so many want to hold onto their delusion and false hope and the word Armageddon is too much for them to deal with.
Wait till the real thing arrives,they still won't be ready......because they didn't listen.
Marcel, your posts are very difficult to read but I know they are the searing, soul-searching prophetic truth. I'm also trying to put the message across but to an audience of unbelievers or believers who can't handle the meat, as gently as I can. Back in the 90s I had a dream in which I saw three separate planes explode in mid-air very close to the ground; two at one location and the third at another not very far from where I was watching at a bird's eye view. As I watched that occurrence, I felt something say, this is big and it's going to be broadcast across the whole world. Immediately following this dream, the next scene, I was with a group of believers hiding behind closed window coverings, singing and reading the Word of God. When I woke up, I thought the dream absurd because no planes would be flying so close to the ground. After 9/11, the Lord brought the dream back to my memory. I believe that this was to warn me that we Christians would be hiding away in a place of refuge. Lately I've been wondering where we are going to hide. Will we be able to escape the scorching fire of judgment that is coming on the earth?
You said this in your post:
hide from His wrath which He is sending upon a wicked,godless,perverted earth.
Do you think it will be possible to be shielded from the worst of God's wrath in the days ahead? I fear for children I know. The Beast above all hates the most innocent and wants to destroy them.
To be honest, I don't know how I would stand up to the kinds of tortures that these evil people will be inflicting on people to force them to take the mark also.
I believe that you have the gift of prophecy. What are your views on our immediate earthly future as believers?
I think God's people fed on junk food and worthless snack's have a hard time with the meat of the truth and will always be offended by it.
It's always been that way with those who chose the easy way.
It's is good that you love the truth enough to dig in and leave the poisoned snacks of the false teachers behind.
'Do you think it will be possible to be shielded from the worst of
God's wrath in the days ahead?'
Of course, yes ,if we are in Him then we shall be safe ,but if our hearts are like that of Lot's wife we shall not escape.
He always protects what belongs to Him.
Psalm 91 is good to know.
Jesus warned us to not love the world.If we do our treasure is here and it will be hard to leave it.
I'm looking for the kingdom of God not trying to save something too corrupt which God will destroy.
That is the main problem between me and most Christian's.
I think it was Solomon who wrote
What has been will be.
It does not take a prophet to see where we are or what is coming but one who reads and believes God's word daily.
Jeremiah is one book every believer should know to prepare for what we will face.
'I fear for children I know.'
Pray for them ,the fervent pray of the righteous avails much.
":To be honest, I don't know how I would stand up to the kinds of tortures that these evil people will be inflicting on people to force them to take the mark also."
It's important to understand that of ourselves we cannot possibly stand or endure and to know that it will have to be the faithfulness of the Lord which gets us thru.
The danger is for believers who continue to rely on their own strength and fall into the snare of fear which is the opposite of faith in our always faithful God.
Grow your faith, read,read,read the word of God and allow Him to speak to you thru His word.
When I fear God I do not fear any man or what they can do to me.
God is always in control.
Jesus words ;
Fear not them which can kill the body ,but fear Him who can klll body and soul .
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. learn it.
A very good testimony I just received by email from Jackie.
As a baby believer and how Jesus kept her.
Keep the Faith and Your Faculties
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