God has only children, no whore's in His family.
He has placed in His court the evidence to condemn these who do not run to Him but their man made gods for help. he will replay it to show who and where you ran to for your help.
Because I trust God I have no time for seductive liars and decievers whether on the left or the right.
You fool yourselves but not God whom you falsely claim to trust in.
He is not with either candidate.
Joshua 5 reveals whose side God is on
Having learned nothing from their last hero and idol who betrayed them ,these sheep headed for the slaughter house will easily be led again.
The devil laughs as he sets up his A team against his B team for the fools to choose between.
You sit at a political table of vomit and not at the table of the Lord you who whore after your worthless gods who cannot save or deliver.
Neither man made god's will save you from the judgment God is sending to the whole earth.
If you have any Godly wisdom you better get on the only right ticket while you can !
Have you been to her church in Ancorage or is it in Wasillia ?
No, I don't bother much with watching what any of the candidates have to say. It's all lies.
I think I watched one or two short clips and sense the feminism rolling off her.
That alone disqualifies her even as an honorable wife....
Much less a VP.
I couldn't even finish that video as it is leaven from the intro to her stepping on stage.
I do agree with you.
men act like women and women act like men in this evil day and it's all under the banner of tolerance of evil under the lie of 'love' within the church.
To Love is to speak the truth howevewr salty or painful it may be.
The compronmise is infected the church and rendered it ineffectual,without salt ,posessing much cool, feel good sugar and good for nothing but rotting deceived souls.
It's amazing how comfey in bed the evangelical church has become with the world and it's no surprise why they and their children are so like the world Jesus warned us against loving or emulating.
So you missed the part where she was bragging on her son's tatoo's ?
I'm amazed how carnal the AG church has become ,they used to be very focused on the spiritual walk ,now it's all 'cool'.
I commented on the video at 'He Laughs '
Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.
Life must be awful depressing for the both of you. How do you know Sarah Palin isn't an instrument of God to help his people (Israel) and Christians in America? Must you condem people before they even act?
But condeming is what this web site seems to live for. You will either not publish this comment or condem it because you seem to judge all.. don't you?
In the name of God you condemn and destroy with your words.
Kevin ,
Thats what the people headed for death,famine and Babylonian captivity said to Jeremiah about his condemning message.
I'd be willing to bet that you were another sucker evangelical who was seduced into voting for 'Christian' Bush and have learned nothing,nothing at all.
Interesting how you are quick to judge that I might be depressed but are troubled that I warn you about the latest false hope the harlot Church in America chases after.
It used to be we understood that prayer and fasting moved the hand of God and brought the church back into holiness and repentance and seperation from the world.
Now all the religious harlots and idol worshipers have up their stinking sleeves is voting for Palin on the phony Republican McCain ticket.
Kevin ,If you want to be a part of that manure pile ,then by all means go for it and run to it.
Jeremiah even told the King of Israel to surrender and that it was all over for Israel because of their sins.
Thats what I'm saying about Babylon America and you are unhappy because you place hope in strong delusion.
I'm no Jeremiah but do understand the season and that politics will never save America.
Repentance might have,but as you prove ,the apostate church has become too stupid and delusional to grasp this spiritual reality.
If you don't want to hear the 'condemning' message by all means move on down to your sweet, sugary delusion and hold on tight to it as you follow the blind guides into the ditch where you will never again hear a 'condemning' message.
James , an exerpt from an interesting article which shows the stupidity of relying on Babylon or it's latest dynamic duo's to save the day.
These folks and their idols ,they really get riled up when anyone offend their gods.
Russian Bear Rising
by Mark Silverberg
President George Bush recently ordered Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Georgia to show what he termed "unwavering support" for the former Soviet republic of Georgia. For the US, however, it was a hollow gesture and, worse, reinforced an established negative pattern of behavior. Over the years, the US has developed a rather poor track record when it comes to honoring its security commitments to its allies. Given the experience of the US abandonment of the Poles after Yalta in 1945, the Hungarians in 1956, the Cubans at the Bay of Pigs in 1962, the South Vietnamese in 1975, the withdrawal from Lebanon after the 1983 Beirut bombings (not to mention Moghadishu in 1993), Saddam Hussein's gassing of the Iraqi Kurds in 1988 after prior assurances to them of US military support, our failure earlier this year to support the then-pro-Western government of Lebanon in its power struggle with Hizbullah, and now the abandonment of Georgia and its democratic "Rose Revolution", it has become increasingly apparent to our central and southern European allies that American "support" does not necessarily translate into American protection. Even the Israelis are becoming somewhat uneasy with American security assurances concerning Iran
Hi Kevin. I've got to agree with you about one thing. Marcel does not have a positive message. His message is a depressing one; one of condemnation and judgment.
On the other hand, he does have a point, doesn't he? I am a life-long Republican who voted for President Bush in 2000. My goodness, did I come to regret it! Bush is the first U.S. president to make the establishment of a Muslim terror state in Israel a formal goal of American policy. He had it codified in the GOP national party platform in 2004. He codified the forcible expulsion of thousands of innocent Jews from their homes; from Biblical Israel. This Bush-vision was accomplished August 2005. A few days later Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans, leaving thousands homeless. Was there any connection between the two? No mortal knows. God only knows.
Now then, John McCain codified Bush's vision, for the dismemberment and destruction of Israel, in the 2008 national Republican party platform, late last month. If Sarah Palin were truly a woman of God, wouldn't she make her joining the McCain ticket conditional on reversing this defiant, immoral, anti-Bible policy? How can she join John McCain in this evil policy if she is truly serving the Almighty God?
Isn't the word of God clear enough in her Bible? Isn't God's eternal covenant with Abraham clear? How can a God-fearing woman be a part to cursing Israel? To cursing Abraham?
Condemnation and judgement is ALL Babylon the great (America) has to look forward to as it refuses to repent and give glory to the one true God.
The devil has two hand puppets every four years here in Babylon, one named Democrat and one named Republican.
But it's the same devil controlling both.....
While marcel was busy calling me delusional, stupid and a piece of sh_t on a pile of crap.. (nice) he once again forgets that he is not 'all knowing'. He sure acts like it on this web site. Oh the pride the seeps from your finger tips Marcel. Your judging and condeming heart can't see that God can use even spiritually blind people for His ways. So your war is now against any one that votes? Evangelicals hoping to spread the word of God? How about the Christians that want to stop abortion? You see the only way to that end is to get another conservative supreme court justice. With Obama do that? No. Bush got us close. This sort of radical subject hoping is very typical of your style so let me pull it back in for Mr Klien...
You assumed I was please with Bush, but I am not. Not since he force Israel's hand in giving away her land. I find him to be a failed leader that used Christianity to get elected. But does that mean we stand on the sidelines and vote for no one? Should we condem Palin before she even gets started? Because if Christians did that, Obama would be our next leader and his secular views would give us no hope whatsoever.
I believe God punished America with Katrina the same as you. I also believe that we are seeing another round right now for again forcing her hand. So that subject is mute. The point I was making is that Marcel takes everything to far so often. It's what he believes to be rightious hatred. But hatred is still hatred. We are called to correct, God will be the judge. In America, we only have one choice, McCain and Palin. She has shown her love for Israel, lets give her a chance instead of blasting her before she even has a moment to act. I will be praying for her to help direct the country in the right direction. Marcel will get a noise bleed trying to pray fire down on her head.
Kevin ,
I appreciate your comments here as they are a good example of the delusional state of the apostate church who runs to the voting booth to elect the latest deceivers and con men to save them, instead of seeking the Lord.
I guess that was something very important Jesus taught His disciples ?
I would encourage you not to bring false accusations against me here as I never called you a piece of s_. Can you hold onto the truth ?
Of course ,like many deceived Christians who have fallen into apostacy you are delusional and are silly,stupid putty in the hands of the globalist left or right parties who only advance Satan's agenda.Thye throw you a worthless bone and you jump immediately as expected.You have no spiritual discernment and are easliy deceived.
You wrote ;
In America, we only have one choice, McCain and Palin. She has shown her love for Israel, lets give her a chance instead of blasting her before she even has a moment to act.
WRONG. If you are an apostate believer , partaking of this present evil world system then you have onebad choice
The fallen away Church will partake with Babylon instead of coming out of her.
If you are seeking the Kingdom of God and the return of Jesus you are not looking to save what cannot be saved.
America for her wickedness cannot be saved ,especially by a corrupt political process.
If you are of this world you use the world's methods which apostate Christianity is doing and they you will vote for an anti-Christian,anti-Conservative, pro-Globalist McCain because you were seduced again.
A true disciple of Jesus is all tied up in the only vote he really has ,Jesus.
Mc Cain is a choice for Christian's ?
Even with Palin on the ticket,she will be reminded of her place and her limitations and when she comes to her senses ,I PRAY, she will resign.
Your latest false hope has already sold out Israel by jumping on the Republican ticket which has blessed the demonic Bush Road Map and the dividing of Israel.
Your delusion in your own words flee's reality and holds onto lies.
you wrote :
So your war is now against any one that votes? Evangelicals hoping to spread the word of God?
Political Evangelical's have betrayed Jesus become whore's for another King and Kingdom.
They spread the false gospel of another Kingdom which is at war against God and His Israel.
You are a partaker of this evil.
Your voting hand is marked,allied with this anti-God system he will destroy.
The U.S. political powers,Left and Right only spread Satan's anti-Christ New World Order and death and destruction not the word of God.
The delusional Palin even calls the war in iraq God's war.
What Bible are you reading ?
This is how delusional and apostate the Church has become.
There is no understanding that God is raising up many enemies against us for our evil and there is no call for church repentance or national repentance ,only the call for Palin.
Your works of the flesh to get another judge on the Supreme Court is what your spiritless ,no salt religion has been reduced to.
You are a political whore who runs to a polluted well expecting change,even after 8 years of the wolf in sheeps costume Bush availed nothing.
You never learn because you really don't believe God's word.
Your faith as Sarah's faith is in an evil corrupt system which God will destroy.
Speaking of the troops in Iraq, Palin says on the video, "Pray for our military men and women who are striving do to what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for -- that there is a plan, and that plan is God's plan."
We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen
Isaiah 26:18
The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away.
Jeremiah 6:29
For I looked, and there was no man;
I looked among them, but there was no counselor,
Who, when I asked of them, could answer a word.
Indeed they are all worthless;
Their works are nothing;
Their molded images are wind and confusion.
Isaiah 41
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary.
Jeremiah 51:58
By all means ,keep blowing vain,empty,worthless wind if that's your desire.
Marcel.. you wrote: Kevin ,If you want to be a part of that manure pile ,then by all means go for it and run to it.
aka, I am a part of a manure pile thus a piece of 'sh_t'. That is your words not mine.
The point is clear, you have a limited and depressing view on mankind. This is not however how God see's mankind. "This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:3-4, NIV). You see, God doesn't give up on anyone until their life is over. God wouldn't slander people like you do, he just wants to love them. He hates the evil but loves the person. You seem to hate the person and deride the evil to your own joy.
Does God not call people like Sarah Palin to a path in which he can use them? According to you, no. You rebuke the path yet you weren't the one called. You condemn the workers yet the workers are so few!
You use the word delusion often and no doubt its a reference to Revelation 13 and the great delusion. Many small town prophecy people will use that a million ways for their own means, but most that are 'watchmen' realize that hasn't even happened yet. I am a generation (no doubt much apart from yours) that is struggling to revive a dieing love for God and country. The decline is something your generation started actually. So before you blast out the trumpets of depression for mankind, you need to realize there are people working hard to hold mankind together until God comes and saves us all. Standing on the side lines and calling people names doesn't work to change things.
I am not guided by politics yet I am concerned about who my leaders will be. God commands us to listen to our leaders so if that means I don't want a liberal baby killer like Obama to listen to, I need to stand up and vote the other way. I know this is hard for you to understand but the next president could set the tone for another 20 years of baby killing. It's something that just must not occur.
I am a webmaster of a series of sites that want to lift up God's people. I suppose thats why when I come here and see so much venom, I struggle to see why you are so angry.
You continue to capture my attention to your credit. Maybe thats your intent. :-)
The strong delusion is happening now and is 2 Thessalonians 2;10 for those like you who do not love the truth but take pleasure in filthy lying,devious politics.
You have marked yourself for deceiption and would have also been fooled by a Hitler who did so much good for the state.
The only reson you are depressed is because you trust in vain idols that accomplish nothing.
THE TRUTH IS DEPRESSION TO THOSE WHO HAVE BUILT THEIR HOUSES O NTHE SAND OF LIES,and I am telling you that trhe church has polluted herself by her whoredoms with this present evil U.S political system.
Its as if you believe God's government is democracy and the U.S. is His chosen nation ?
Don't you understand we have passed the point of no return and are set for certain destruction for our great evil ?
The command is to come out of her My people and you stubbornly stay to fix what will never be fixed.
You find yourself fighting against God in the end to save what He is now destroying.
If you think I am mad wait till you see the wrath of God upon this nation starting with the Ted Haggard flavored political whore church.
Ted was in the White House and had the wolf Bush's ear and we know how good that went,don't we ?
Don't you see how filthy even a Condi Rice has become in that manure pile of Washington.
On the manure,
I think you have a point.
If you stand with corruption and filth than that is what you are but with a worthless thin religious veneer.
I BELIEVE thats where the one who came to the wedding with a filthy garment was thrown out by the Lord.
If you seek to bring righteouness by any other way than the Lord has ORDAINED than you are in apostacy and under great deception, delusion and your religion is being used by Satan for his last days great deception.
I would hope that you would want to keep your garments clean but you seem to have no trouble working with the devil's R team.
You said you are not guided by politics but you deceive yourself. Of course you are.
Judgment is upon this nation and a Palin in bed with an anti-Christian McCain or an Obama will change nothing ,nothing,nothing.
And becasue I warn the harlots that puts me on the sideline while your carnal works of the flesh are something to be proud of while you deride me ?
you wrote :
'yet I am concerned about who my leaders will be. God commands us to listen to our leaders.
Too bad your leader is not Jesus.
You admit to another master that you serve and he has your heart.
The mix of your chief idol 'country' into your religion has poisoned it and that is why you are under a cloud of babel confusion serving two masters and doubleminded.
Where does God command us to listen to our leaders and not Him ?
Like so many 'good,loyal' German Christians under the rule of their elected leader Adolph Hitler it seems you also would have been a good loyal Nazi by your twisted rendition of God's word.
You serve the state before God and have made the government Lord and relegated Jesus to #2 and give Him lip service.
An example of your mixed up theology of confusion
The Christians in China who break the law and disobey their leaders to meet secretly in house churches not controlled or sanctions by the state.
They are rebels ,lawbreakers for Jesus.
Would you would bend your knee to the state as your God ?
You are seriously messed up in the head. You twist pretty much anything that is said. It's almost like you are bipolar or something but the thoughts are coming at the same time.
I never said we are to listen to leaders AHEAD of Jesus Christ. That is completely rediculous. And would a real Christian ever put anything in front of their God... please. It's total nosense.
Finally, I never said I was depressed. ha! I said your reports are full of depressing images you paint. I am still smiling as I imagine steem coming out of your ears as you type.
But I will make one simple statement that I believe your viewers would agree with but you couldnt bring yourself to imagine because of your hateful heart.
America was created to do God's will in respect to His chosen people, Israel. America was the tool God used for 1948, their strong defense and so much more. The American Christians must do all we can to continue this support. You might run for this idea but real Christians are doing all they can to elect men and WOMEN that will stand by Israel. With Obama and a no vote.. we have NO chance. Which McCain Palin, we have a shot. We just need to pray that no America tries to split Jerusalem.
You wrote: Too bad your leader is not Jesus. You admit to another master that you serve and he has your heart.
Again, you judge the heart of another child of God.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Matthew 7:1
Maybe it's time you listen to what Jesus said rather than the voices in your head.
You are seriously messed up in the head. You twist pretty much anything that is said. It's almost like you are bipolar or something but the thoughts are coming at the same time.
Again, you judge the heart of another child of God.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Matthew 7:1
Maybe it's time you listen to what Jesus said rather than the voices in your head or the false prophets of our day who preach a false gospel.
It does seem that the hypocrite who worships America and Satans' political parties / left or right is full of babel/confusion as your last bipolar response reveals.
You hypocrite.
It's always that case with the deceived ones ,they always attack the messenger because thats all they can do.
Of course you follow lies and delusion.
You wrote;
Does God not call people like Sarah Palin to a path in which he can use them? According to you, no. You rebuke the path yet you weren't the one called. You condemn the workers yet the workers are so few!
Of course that is possible niave,gulliable one,but does not Satan come as an angel of light to deceive the niave,backslid in heart sheep who have turned from God to useless Idols which cannot save ?
How stupid of you to call her a worker for the kingdom of God when she serves the beast empire first and foremost.
Roman Emperor Constantine with his false conversion united a fracturing empire with apostate Christianity and poisoned the early chruch by mixing the church with Imperial Roman Government and you do not have the sense to see the danger here as you get on your knees and worship the evil state.
When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, he offered Him the kingdoms of this world if he would just bow down to him.
You are one,united with the devil's kingdoms of this world.
Hell will be full of doubleminded carnal Christians who assumed they could serve two masters.
When you stop picking and choosing the bible verses you want to listen to, you might end up freeing yourself from such strife.
And you also might consider that not everyone that has a different way of looking at things is evil and prepared for damnation. God judges the heart, you judge everything else.
'When you stop picking and choosing the bible verses you want to listen to, you might end up freeing yourself from such strife'
For someone who only knows the fasle gospel of salvation by politics and is ignorant of God's word ,your 'strife' advice is more of the same error which has you under a strong delusional.
How depressed will the apostate Christian's idol chasers and seeker's get if God were to take away your latest false hope, Palin from the mix ?
It just proves where your hope really is, and it's not in Jesus but the latest idol you backslid, foolish virgins without oil manafacture to keep your chief American idol alive.
'Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.'
Matthew 10
It is written,
Mark 8:15 Then He charged them, saying, "Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."
The backslid church in Amerca feast off leaven and only go after the watchmen who warn them.
The love their lies and delusion more than they love the truth and pity anyone who warns them away from their false hope.
They love their leaven laden idols too much to let them go and will be destroyed with them.
It is written,
Psalm 119:128 Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things I consider to be right; I hate every false way.
It is written,
Romans 3:4 Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: "That You may be justified in Your words, And may overcome when You are judged."
It is written,
1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge--
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