Hurricane Ike's timing,size,intensity and targeting of our oil refineries and major economic base in Houston is no surprise when you understand what our evil leader is doing in secret.
Ike which is a variation of Isaac means 'He laughs'.
How insanely stupid and evil of President Bush is to push his evil agenda against Israel and not think God would respond.
U.S. to 'guarantee' Palestinian state
JERUSALEM – The U.S. is planning to issue a letter guaranteeing the country will back agreements reached during current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at creating a Palestinian state before President Bush leaves office in January, WND has learned.
Ike, which meteorologists described as an "incredibly large storm" more than 600 miles in diameter, was expected to arrive about midnight Friday, and forecasters said it could take 12 hours to move out of southeast Texas.
The storm is so big that it could inflict a punishing blow even in those areas that do not get a direct hit. It was already buffeting the Louisiana coast, where a 50-breach opened in a private levee in Scarsdale, in Plaquemines Parish south of New Orleans
Tropical storm warnings extended south almost to the Mexican border and east to the Mississippi-Alabama line, including New Orleans.
The oil and gas industry was closely watching the storm because it was headed straight for the nation's biggest complex of refineries and petrochemical plants. The upper Texas coast accounts for one-fifth of U.S. refining capacity."It's a big storm," Texas Gov. Rick Perry said. "I cannot overemphasize the danger that is facing us. It's going to do some substantial damage. It's going to knock out power. It's going to cause massive flooding."
Tropical storm warnings extended south almost to the Mexican border and east to the Mississippi-Alabama line, including New Orleans.
The oil and gas industry was closely watching the storm because it was headed straight for the nation's biggest complex of refineries and petrochemical plants. The upper Texas coast accounts for one-fifth of U.S. refining capacity.
The oil and gas industry was closely watching the storm because it was headed straight for the nation's biggest complex of refineries and petrochemical plants. The upper Texas coast accounts for one-fifth of U.S. refining capacity.
"It's a big storm," Texas Gov. Rick Perry said. "I cannot overemphasize the danger that is facing us. It's going to do some substantial damage. It's going to knock out power. It's going to cause massive flooding."
Ike is so large that here in Florida most of the northern part of the state got rain Wednesday and Thursday.
This storm is huge.
We are already having gas shortages and even panic buying of gas yesterday in Gainesville because of rumors of price hikes and shortages.
News report this morning from Orlando is 10 gal. limit at a gas station.
I was told about price gouging (.15 cent hike at one station) and all this before the hurricane has even hit Texas.
As I wrote earlier the Oil platforms in the Gulf look like they will be hit hard along with Galveston, Houston and major refineries and chemical plants in the area.
As our leaders work hard to expel Jews from their land for President Bush's Islamic terrorist state in the heart of Israel you can be sure God's anger will be felt.
God will expelling millions from their homes here as He begins to cut this nation into pieces doing to us what we intent to do to Israel.
Maybe when the destruction hits home you will understand why I view this President as such an evil man with such great arrogance to assume to divide the very tiny piece of land God has allotted to the Jewish people.
Marcel said, As our leaders work hard to expel Jews from their land ,God is expelling millions from their homes here as He begins to cut this nation into pieces.
In an interview with ABC News,
Palin said that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a threat to the whole world, and that if an ally like Israel determines that it must strike Iran to defend itself, Washington mustn't stand in the way.
Excuse my lack of tact, but is there a chip off the ole block displayed in the article? (Not to mention a double-standard.) How does a professed Christian politician partake in stealing land, agree to support Israel then leave them to fight their own battle? Does this make for any truth?
"I don't think we can second guess what Israel has to do to secure its nation."
She is like so many Christians in America, apostate in her world and war views. Nothing about sin being the cause of so much of our problems.
She's watereed down whatever salt she might have had and to stay with McCain she has to sell out even more.
if she were wise she would have thought over the offer instead of jumping on the offer with such a snap decision.
impeteous ,greedy for power and the limelight ?
It's twisted in America like it is in the Church.
Where is her 'Christian' husband
as a leader ?
I liked her answer on Israel but as vice president she will have to sit in the back seat and look good while the anti-Christian,anti-Conservative McCain who has chosen anti-semite,hater of Israel,employee of Saudi Arabia, James Baker as his Mid-East advisor.
The more I look at this dog and pony show the more I see Sarah Plain as window dressing to lure in the stupid christian voters who would not have voted for McCain.
As expected ,the stupid Christians are deceived ,again and again and again.
I really believe God will judge these morons who keep running to the world they love so much.
The reality is that when a 'Chrisitan' gets into politics the first thing they have to do is compromise and she has already done so.
To stay in power she will have to sell her soul a piece at a time and this has also begun.
An example of the phony republicans is how since 1995 they have passed a law to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and have never done so ,but keep the issue alive to deceive the stupoid voters. These politicians are liars and con men and Sarah has joined the club of deceivers instead of saying no thanks.
...And deceived Christian's actually believe she will accomplish anything of real value or thwart the judgments and destruction of God on this nation ?
They're deceived crazy !
We are running out of gas in my town, I just got a phone call with the news and where one place is we can still get gas. They were having a run on gas in Tennessee last night as well.
amazing how fast a situation can go down hill so fast and catch so many people off guard.
I think when the destruction of Babylon occurs in 1 hour ,this will finally wake up the majortity ,but then it will be too late and most of them will be dead or near death.
"residents who decided too late they should have heeded calls to evacuate made futile calls for rescue."
27 When your terror COMES LIKE A STORM, And your destruction COMES LIKE A WHIRLWIND, When distress and anguish come upon you. 28 "Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me. 29 Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of the Lord, 30 They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke. 31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, And be filled to the full with their own fancies. 32 For the turning away of the simple will slay them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them; 33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil." Proverbs 1:27-33
Lot's of damage but God showed great mercy in this storm.
It could have been much worse.
Asked how hard he believed Galveston had been hit, Varela said: ``For us, one to 10, I'd say it's a 10.
``I was back here in Alicia (in 1983), and we didn't have this type of water, so this is definitely a worse storm than we've had.''
City Manager Steve LeBlanc went so far as to ask the media not to photograph "certain things" in the aftermath, referring to the possibility of dead bodies
In Plaquemines Parish near New Orleans, sheriff's spokesman Maj. John Marie told AP that floodwaters are higher than they were during hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
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