The decaying Roman Empire used the Circus to keep the citizens distracted from important issues.
It got to the point that Christians were fed to the lions to keep the people amused.
We've got the same problem in Ameirca.Stupid sports entertainment has worked well for a long time .It's the religion of so many useless idiots.
Will it keep the idiots glued to the pigskin as another empire collapses ?
With the Empire sinking fast,the Emperor and his stalwarts must keep the peasants occupied and tranquilized or else riots would soon break out in the streets.
Why even the financial wizards are smiling before the camera's as they attempt to hide their terrified eyes.All is well they sing as the ship rolls over on it's side.
Watch for more smiley Circus style entertainment on the menu.

Enter OJ,OBAMMY & SARAH to keep the sheeple mesmerized.

1 comment:
James ,I never got this or another message you posted in my email but did find it after 12 this noon.
I'm listening to it now.
It's coming
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