Friday, November 14, 2008

High Value Targets

exerpt from John McTernan

He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground;
A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein Psalm 107:33

Psalm 107:33,34 are two verses which describe what God is doing to California.

This state is now the land of wickedness. It leads the nation in pornography, abortion and the HomoFascists' agenda. I have been warning people in California to get out like Lot fleeing Sodom and don't look back. The passing of Proposition 8 enraged the Homofascists like angry hornets. The sodomites know the source of their defeat, and it is mostly the church. They are now at the doors of the church, and in one case, invaded a church: Lesbians, condoms go wild in attack on Christian church
"Worshippers at a Bible-teaching church in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday when members of a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit."
There has been continual protest by the Homofascists since the election: they are beside themselves. Christians are now in great danger in California much like the Jews in Germany during the 1930's. The Jews failed to see the danger because they were Germans, and I believe many Christians will not see the danger in California (and other states) until it is too late.
The entire power structure of California is arrayed against the Christians.
The governments of all the major cities are 100 percent HomoFascist. The entire state government is 100 percent HomoFascist.
This includes the Attorney General and courts.
The main media is 100 percent Homofascist along with the educational system.
The mayors and governor appoint the police chiefs and they are going to appoint people just like themselves- HomoFascists.
The police will be used against the believers.
Soon Obama will be president along with an entire hard core, left, reprobate Congress. Obama is going to appoint a HomoFascist attorney general. This means that all levels of government in California are arrayed against believers. The HomoFascists hate us, and it is just a matter of time before they exercise this power.
Homosexuality is now an exalted human right and these "nasty Christians" are denying people their "human rights." This is going to get real ugly and real fast. The HomoFascists will riot, threaten, terrorize etc. and it will be passed off as demonstrations. If we defend ourselves, we are violent and dangerous. This is how the Nazis worked against the Jews!
The next step is the passing of federal hate crime laws. Once this happens, the HomoFascists will have the power to attack the gospel as a hate crime and then go after the churches. The HomoFascists are serious and just look at Canada and Europe if you think I'm exaggerating. What has happened in these nations, is coming next year to the USA. I have been showing you what is happening in these nations on this blog. I did this to warn of the danger of what could happen here. Now America has a European style government in Washington! The danger will be for the entire USA but especially California.
The holy God of Israel's judgment is on this state. California will not last long after it starts to attack the church, which has already started. God's judgment is on the way, as the HomoFascists are now at the doors of the churches. This reminds me of Genesis 19 with the angels of the LORD in Sodom just before it was destroyed.
There is no doubt that the economy of California is going to collapse which will lead to social upheaval. This collapse might coincide with massive earthquakes and fires. The cities of California are going to burn. This is not a pretty picture, but the entire structure of the state is now reprobate and this is the point which triggers judgment. When a society is given over to homosexuality the Bible refers to it as the Ordinances of the Amorites
No word on how the fire started from the media ?

And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have set a fire in Egypt, and when all her helpers shall be destroyed.
Ezekiel 30:8

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