Sunday, November 09, 2008 Headlines - Clergymen brawl at the Church of the

אין שלום לרשעים אמר השם


Marcel said...

The season of growing unrest and anger is here.

Economic Unrest in
peaceful Iceland
the waves and sea roaring.

Anonymous said...

Yes, unrest is upon us.

In is VERY unsettling to see ministries that were once bastions of truth turning from it.

This Brawling Clergymen video was removed, here is a link to numerous users that have uploaded it.

BTW, those Iselandic cops were alot more decent to their citizens than Babylonian cops would be under the same circumstances.

If that happened here, I would expect billy clubs o plenty being bashed into their heads, pepper spray, dogs and faces being ground into the asphalt.

But hey, we're the freest people on earth right?

Don't taze me bro.....

Marcel said...

I said some bad things about Rome in that video comments section as I do about the present Israeli government.
I think very soon they will block me from commenting there.
They have a habit of removing many video's.
They got rid of one where D.M. Ehud Barak was inciting against the settlers last week.
IT'S VERY POLITICALLY CORRECT and opressive in Israel if you do not go along with the state.

'BTW, those Iselandic cops were alot more decent to their citizens than Babylonian cops would be under the same circumstances'

For sure ,but give them time ,everyone learns from Babylon.

A teacher in ISRAEL arrested today for having sex with one of her students.

knowall said...

Oh dear, you have been censored again.

Seen Tony Blair's latest comments?
Why do Brits think they can tell Israel what to do, politically?
The Brits reneged on the Balfour agreement, but Blair probably doesn't know that.
Nor does he appreciate the consequences.

Marcel said...

Israel and the Jews are easy to push around .Thne Moslems don't back down and retreat and so the Jews are the path of least resistance for the corrupt world who sell out their mothers to make a dollar.

In the end ,they all fall into God's trap when they send their armies to fall on the mountains of Israel.

Anonymous said...

(Upon clicking this video, the message pops up stating, "Sorry, this video is no longer available".) No need to post this, only informing you that it no longer publically exists, but you probably already know this. Thx.

Marcel said...

Thanks ,I know.
I left it up to help the few readers her to understand how the media is being controlled and sanatized by the powers that be in once free and democratic nations.
It's all deception and lies today to cover up what is really going on.
Those who do not pay close attention to waht is happening today will get the sanatized A.C. Correct version.