We may not hear all the details of her meetings but God hears and I am confident He will respond and mess up the plans of this evil regime.

Earlier today I read the comment of an Israeli who wrote that Israel is watching Obama and if he delivered weapons to Hamas ,Iran that the middle east would burn.
I reminded him that president Bush delivered weapons and hundreds of millions to the terrorist group Fatah and all of it in Gaza ended up in the hands of Hamas and the sheep of Israel headed for slaughter sit on their hands and do nothing.
They still go along without resisting the suicidal U.S. led Road Map to hell and Olmert,Barak,Peres,Livni still sit proudly in power making war against the Jews of Judea and Samaria for Bush and his Witch Condi Rice.
If Obama is elected, the hope is that Israel will no longer be living under the delusion of friend and ally,devious, treacherous betrayer Bush and finally wake up and stop their national suicide for no peace ?
The best outcome I hope and pray for.
A divorce from trusting in reprobate America and returning to God will be very good for Israel.

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