Friday, November 28, 2008

Israeli diplomat: Five hostages killed at Chabad center in Mumbai

'The news isn't clear, but there's a good chance that they've been rescued.'
Israeli citizen

A spirit of false hope plagues Israel and this is why the Road Map is still moving forward.
If Israel returned to Hashem ,the dark cloud of lies and delusion would clear and make way for the reality of your and my enemy.
How is it that Israel is never angered or troubled with the sweet tone of the smooth talking destroyer who has greatly damaged Israel by his false peace ?
How is it that Israel shows so much love and respect for evil men like Bush and have trouble with the hard truth.
I submit this as proof that Israel loves her liars above God and the truth.
The tone is the harsh reality which Israel refuses to face.
Israel's perverse leadership always talk in soft,reassuring tones towards the sheep headed for the slaughter pens.
I won't.
What I wrote yesterday is proven to be true today.
You and so many held out for a false hope as the majority do with the Road Map final solution.

It is a waste of time to appease Islam or attempt to live in peace with evil.
Israel's sin is following the world and not her God.
This is Israel's grave error.
Ariel's teeth are dull,some missing and some rotted.
As the ISLAMIC enemy bares their iron teeth filled with Jewish blood and flesh,your(Israel) response is more of the same
death camp passivity and appeasment.
If Israel did face the truth about ISLAM, Hizbollah,Hamas and Fatah AND THE ROAD MAP would be a distant memory.
Instead Israel has embraced her lovers in Babylons(the U.S. lie of peace Road Map)
Rather than face the truth Israel wraps herself up in a warm refuge of lies.(Isaiah 28:14-22)
The truth about your enemies does not make you feel good because you hold out and believe peace with Islam is possible ?
ISRAEL does not heed any WARNING tone whether polite or harsh.
So when great death and destruction fall upon the idol worshipers of ISRAEL who wrapped themselves up in the 'refuge of Lies'(Isaiah 28:17) ,will the survivors again blame God ?

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