Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving in Washington


Anonymous said...

James said...
An email I sent out a few days ago:

No Thanks to Thanksgiving:

The Truth About Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving Prayer By: William S. Burroughs:
And an interesting article I read today:
Taglit screening out Messianic Jews
I do have to eat tomorrow though and although I refuse to celebrate ThanksKilling (which is what I and a brother I know call tomorrow), I'm gonna eat well and give thanks to God for it.

I do however, utterly, and completely REFUSE to give thanks to Babylon for a SINGLE THING, EVER, for as long as I live.

Have a good dinner anyways :)

Marcel said...

Thanks, especially for the taglit article.I think I'm going to post it on my blog.
Did you know about Wiliam Burroughs and his deviant life ? bad testimony = bad video.
also ,this below from vernon coleman is a lie.
'The Indians were civilised and spiritual'

Before the white man came and stole their land they fought and killed each other with the same murderous,devil contaminated human spirit.

Vernon's lie makes them out to be tree hugging saints instead of spiritually deceived who worshiped false gods.

God's judgment even fell on the native American's.

Anonymous said...

Never read about Wiliam Burroughs although that video's testimony was true.

Even Paul said false prophets gave SOME true testimony..

Titus 1:13 This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith,

I know that the Indians were NOT followers of the Creator of heaven and earth, the One, True God..


Neither were most of the "civilized" white men that villified them as "Heathen, Injun savages."

Certainly, these "civilized" white men and their freemasonry, illuminism and occult background were WORSE that the Indians who were never exposed to the truth.

The white men HAD access to the truth and rejected it and they, instead of preaching the truth to these "Heathen, Injun savages", chose to commit genocide instead.