Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Report Claims Israel Asked To Refrain From Major Military Op

A nation of slaves obey their Master ?
Israel has sold her birthright to a false peacemaker who only delivers death and deception.
Under President Bush's devious and ruinous rule Iran has EASILY built a formidable army in Lebanon and Gaza.
Israel's misplaced faith in America and in a tall Texas liar who found his calling as a sinister politician has brought the nation to it's greatest unfolding disaster and not peace.
Whenever Bush or Rice meet with Israeli leaders ,Israel suffers.
Thats a fact which the Kool-Aid drinkers will never face because lies are their refuge.
Iraq is a success only if you leave out Iran's Shiite asendance and spreading influence without the restraint it once had under Saddam.
President Bush has worn out the military and bankrupt the treasury and so Iran is off the table.
You swallowed his Road Map trap, hook, line and sinker and still you are impotent to remove yourselves from his no-peace trap.
What will Olmert bring back to Israel from his visit with George ?
More removal of Jews from their homes and land,more encouragement for the enemies of Israel.

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