Thursday, March 17, 2011

But do you believe them?

27 signs that the Nuclear Crisis in Japan is Much Worse than either the mainstream media
or the Japanese government have been telling us.

'One thing you can count on all politicians to do is lie,you voters have given them the license and
the contemptible and corrupt media serve the liars first and foremost.'

 Thus says the LORD:
"Cursed is the man who trusts in man  And makes flesh his strength,
 Whose heart departs from the LORD."
Jeremiah 17:5

A lot of cursed people out there and their outcome is not good.

"It's a scene from hell,absolutely nightmarish" 
Patrick Fuller,International Red Cross Federation

Remember the abandoned of Japan in your prayers 

 "it would be hard to describe how alarming this is right now" and that a suicide mission might not even be enough to avert disaster.

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