Monday, March 28, 2011

What is a nuclear reactor partial meltdown ?

Answer: A meltdown in progression to full meltdown.
 You probably won't hear that on the news, at least not just yet.

Come and see the works of God;
He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men
He rules by His power forever;

His eyes observe the nations;
Do not let the rebellious exalt themselves.  Selah
Psalm 66

A critical flaw in man's nature is that his pride does not permit him to admit the truth even when it is evident.
You only hear bits and pieces of the truth or none at all.
As gross darkness covers the earth before Anti-Christ imposter reveals himself the truth has become rare.
Man seek everything but the truth.
Those who are blessed by God to hunger and thirst for it are few.  

Man always attempts to protest his innocence,I'm not guilty ,pointing to others to take his blame,
That is why the road to eternal life is so narrow and the road to destruction is so broad.
It is also why the cult religion of Evolution is so popular.
2011,Mankind in rebellion has become totally lawless as they follow Lucifer's advice to Eve,
'Ye shall be as God' Their little god's like Obama feed them what they want to hear, lies 24/7.
Their life of delusion is coming to an end.
Man is on the radioactive road to learn that he is not God,incapable of fixing anything not even the mess he has made.
Without being broken and humbled by the Holy Spirit to see his true condition and repent
mankind is doomed,living his many lies. 
Only when he stands in the light of God's presence on judgment day will he see his true wretched state.  

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