Wednesday, March 02, 2011

IRAN,Islam and Woman

Islam is the problem,the curse,the scourage and the majority are fearful to speak this truth.
At one time the West could speak out against the Nazi's but it is too weak now to speak out against their replacement.  
For Islam to have a reformation ,the so called moderates would have to defeat the extremists and that's not going to happen.
The moderates are afraid of their more zealous brothers and know what happens when they speak.
Look at how Iraq ,Afghanistan,Pakistan have become  more radical,extremist ,jihadist Islamic after thousands of billions of U.S. dollars dumped into them.
Pakistan's minister of minorities Shabbaz Bhatti's assassination is likely to further deter any attempt to change the blasphemy law that mandates death for anyone who speaks ill of Islam's Prophet Mohammad
The extremist Muslims are in control even in the U.S.,the U.K.and the rest of Europe,Canada and Australia.
They run the Wahabbi Mosques here and are catered to and fawned over with 16 tons of political correctness by the left and the right all over the West.
The Muslims are winning because this is first a spiritual war between darkness and light,good and evil and the West is void of any light having taken the Road to Sodom and ensuing destruction.

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