Saturday, March 12, 2011

Palestinian Muslims kill Jewish family of 5 in Samaria

This whole process which is led by the U.S. is no about peace but Israel's methodical elimination.
Israel is treated as a defeated enemy forced to surrender to the evil Muslims who carry out such heinous
attacks against Jews and celebrate their evil acts afterwards while the world is silent.

The Palestinians want jihad ,not peace

Only  Israel is required to do anything ,never the Islamic terrorists front line army AKA the Palestinian's.
This is the Psalm 83 Conspiracy of the NATIONS against Israel and the Jews that God will judge everyone of them for.

After this major destruction still unfolding in northern Japan ,I thought about all the millions and millions of dollars and so much undeserved 'assistance' the Japanese have given to the Palestinian people.
It's easy to see what is coming to America because of it's role against Israel .
Zechariah 12:3

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