The message is clear. Indeed, it's gigantic for all Iraqi's, for the entire world to see. A 100-acre compound - ten times the size of the typical U.S. embassy, the size of 80 football fields, six times larger than the UN, the size of Vatican City. The U.S. Embassy Compound, in the middle of Baghdad - the centre for U.S. domination of the Middle East and its resources.
It took 7 years for God's judgment on Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar to humble him.
It looks like the same evil spirit that deceived him is working overtime on another empire and king.
We don't have 7 years , God is about to pluck our eagle's wings .
"The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I
beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth,
and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear,
and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it
between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much
Daniel 7:4-5
Get Out !
1.Iraq PM wants troops out 'as soon as possible'
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says U.S. troops should leave Iraq "as soon as possible," according to a magazine report in which he also called presidential candidate Barack Obama's suggestion of 16 months "the right timeframe for a withdrawal."
The United States said on Saturday after inconclusive international talks with Iran's nuclear envoy that Tehran must choose between cooperation or confrontation and give up sensitive nuclear work.
The U.S. having proven more proud than King Nebuchadnezzar does not realize that there is Someone above them with the same stern warning.
God says; repent or face His wrath,cooperate or face His final confrontation.

Well at least we have a general idea of "about" how much time we have to make some final preparations.
"Talks that include U.S. end with demand for 'clear answer' in two weeks"
How long after Iraq's "final warning" did it take for the U.S. to invade them? It's all a blur...
I just read about the 2 week notice for an answer from Iran.
The Persians do not play into pressure or threats and so it won't take much for things to get out of control.
Our American pride leads to a trap and destruction and the patient Persians play chess better than we do.
Our Army is in their missile sites.
Iraq was a picnic.
Iran will not be and somehow God will get the president to make a fateful decision to intervene and then we will all know where we are in God's timetable.
No more babel confusion when the dust settles.
I do not feel America will attack Iran. Israel may do so after the elections in the USA between Nov and the installation of the new US President. If Iran attacks America in some manner, I look for retaliation for that attack. We have bitten off more than we can chew in Afghanistan and Iraq; the only thing US General's may approve is a bombardment of suspected Iranian nuclear facilities. NO GROUND TROOPS THIS TIME! Lessons were learned in Iraq and Afghanistan. Troops leaving Iraq are being sent to Afghanistan again. No new front unless we are attacked. And retaliation will be by air and cruise missles from the Gulf. Just personal opinions. If we are attacked and respond with ground forces, then there is no doubt in my mind that the leadership in Washington DC has totally lost their sense and are under strong delusion!
When attacked, there will be massive blow back here in the USA by groups already hidden over here; I feel this in my spirit. I feel they have been here pre 9-11-02 and are so well hidden that they will not be discovered until it is too late. In an effort to be politically correct, Homeland Security, and security agencies have lost the will to actually search out the enemy in our midst.
Hi Randy,
Interesting points ,interesting times.
Almost all the 'experts' say after the elections Iran will be targeted.
How wrong they are will be proven soon as they always are proven after the fact.
These dummies all leave out a premptive strike by Iran.
I see the war window as any time between NOW and October and it's going to catch those like you who listen to the dummie expert's by surprise.
These same stupid 'experts' always leave out Russia's response.
I guarantee you Russia and China will not sit this attack out like they did with Afghanistan and Iraq.
Bush opened up the first seal,Revelation 6:2 'Rider on the White Horse when he conquered Afghanistan and Iraq
the word's 'and to conquer' are critical in understanding that Iran makes it's move before Bush gets a chance to.
Revelation 6:3
I think what many people miss is that it won't take an American attack/bombing of Iran,just one more tougher sanction could very well set it off.
I think the U.S. will fall into a surprise trap and get hit before Iran is even targeted militarily by Israel or the U.S.
Another Pearl Harbor ,this time a nuclear one with all our soldiers/,Naval 5th Fleet,Bases in Quatar,Kuwait,Bahrain,Iraq hit.
The proud nation humbled to the dust in minutes.
Many yesrs ago Iran warned that they would respond to tough sanctions as an act of war.'
Our president ,stuck on stupid will make his last and biggest MISCALCULATION and do something like a Naval blockade against Iran in the Persian Gulf and this will be the start WWIII,the tribulation period.
We are in no position to play God and tell others what to do when we have become so wicked and perverted as a nation and God will bring us down to the dust from our high perch of global enforcer.
I agree on your 'no ground troop's this time' ,which is easy to do because we do not have the ground troops.
They've all been worn out and over extended by the caught in a trap Commander in Chief.
Also because of our lawless president's failure to enforce immigration law and close the open border's ,the ISLAMIC terrorists are all here and most likely in Government jobs, welfare and food stamps and ready to make their move as are Russia,Venezuela,Cuba,N.Korea,China
Our incredible arrogance which has reached heaven, has truly made us stupid and ripe for plucking as the Jewish prophet Daniel saw and wrote about the eagle's wings plucked off the lion.
We came out of the lion, Britan and we are about to be plucked,and no more.
It's the way of all arrogant empires who forget God.
Serious stories at Watson's today:
lite fare compared to what's around the corner.
We only get one strike moshe sharon
watsonsweb ;
A fictional exchange from WWII:
Fritz: Gertrude, what is that smell coming from that factory and How come the Jews go in and no one ever comes out. Gurty.... and why do they have to run that smokestack day and night without rest, it schtinks!!!?
Gertrude: Stop asking questions Fritz, do you want to go in there too? Remember what happened to the Zimmermans when they asked questions?! Hitler sent the Jews 'east'... that is all we need to know! Besides, you have seen the films the Fürer made of the happy Jews working for the Reich. Hitler would not kill the Jews, he is a good man. So shut up and eat your schnitzel!! Then you can go up on the roof and sweep up that foul smelling ash that comes from the factory before it caves in!
No the Germans did not want to know because it was easier not to know, just like America today. No one wants to know anything that does not make them money or puts something 'exiting' between their legs. Concentration camps? What a depressing subject. Americans would rather go to an all night sex-party than even consider the possiblity
" 26,000 Pastors for Martial Law Continuity of Government"
Video compilation about continuity of government plans for martial law including the KSLA News report of the 26,000 pastors recruited for handling the people during a martial law take over.
Marcel....We have 26,000 pious men of the cloth reminding their subjects that in Romans, Christians are commanded to view the State as the holy of holies.
Who are we to argue?
Shalom l'cha haver.
Shalom Michael,
Thanks for the video.
History repeats.We may see this gestapo rule much sooner than most people think.
I posted this below at the video and it says it all.
The deeply religious Christian's, the Lutheran's of Germany used Roman's 'obedience to the state' for their excuse to obey and bow to the evil Third Reich and their demon posessed president Adolph Hitler.
It's no different this time around.
I don't know why they call them clergy when they're nothing but hired whores who serve their true master and pimp so well.
They are known as "Clergy Response Teams". AKA Brownshirt Pastors, Gestapo Pastors or Judas's
Spread the word about these "Clergy Response Teams".
They are trained in the art of twisting Romans 13 to force blind sheep to render to Caesar the things that are Gods.
Alex has some info about them as well.
Thanks for the link James.
The dumb sheep are putty in the hands of the hired whores of the state.
The nazi's knew how to instill loyalty to the state whom the ignorant Christians easliy put above God ,in place of God.
These deceived hypocrites made the state God over them as they kept their shallow ,vain religious faith and sang a few hymns on Sunday.
exerpt fromthepew.blogspot:
This body of (state) law is also contradictory, whereas God's law is consistent. Our courts of appeals, all the way up to state and US supreme courts, deal largely with the contradictory nature of this law. This right is argued against that statute, state's rights versus individual freedoms, on and on and on.
And the most amazing thing about this difference in the size of the two bodies of law is that the typical modern evangelical rejects Old Testament law as burdensome, preferring the "age of grace" that we live in, yet at the same time believes that the bible teaches, in Romans 13 and other passages, that we are duty bound to obey the civil government no matter how much we might disagree with their laws.
How is it even possible to obey, with billions of contradictory laws that are mostly unknown to even the best lawyer? Do you know all of them? I certainly don't. If we are to obey, why aren't these laws taught in church? I suggest that the only ones who could hold to an impossible doctrine of obedience to the state are themselves insane.
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