I've lost count of how many times Bush has had the Moslem's Ramadan religious observance in the White House ?
Did you catch that 'in the White House" A christian who honors a false anti-Christ 'another' gospel is apostate and engaged in abomination and blasphemy against God.
Thats just one of many charges against this wolf in sheeps drag.
He honors a religion not of his fathers.
The first US president to do so,also the first to call for a Palestinian state on Jewish land.
I hear people blaming the left and Obama for the threat from Islam when it's one of their own who has done more damage than any one else before him.
I hear people blaming the left and Obama for the threat from Islam when it's one of their own who has done more damage than any one else before him.
These delusional people think their rescue or salvation will come from the political right which is not even conservative or right wing but socialist and as corrupt as the left if not more.
They've had almost 8 years of this phony Christian ,phony Republican,phony Conservative, creator of the 22 Islamic terrorist state of Palestine,stealing land from Israel for his Molsem friends under the lie of peace and are such big hypocrites.
They have remained silent towards his evil ,but they have great courage to speak out against someone ,Obama who is not sitting in the Oval office WHO HAS NOT DONE ONE TENTH OF THE DAMAGE THIS SITTING PRESIDENT HAS DONE ALREADY.
When are you harlot's with the world system going ot wake up that the salvation of God is not some political party, left or right ?
Jeremiah 17:5 is for you perverted,doubleminded Christian's.
I would like to ask you a question. If Isa 14 is about Bush....then how can he be the King of Babylon and the AC too? Do you know of a Scripture to equate this with?
I realize I could be sooo off to think that when Bush rises into an "official dictatorship",(after US is stricken) his title will change...so to speak; with this comes a blatency of his will to rule with new power and authority. Could this greater authority lift him up to a whole new level (AC) such as we have never seen before. Should we be waiting for Bush to bring the peace process BEFORE the end of the year....so in so doing makes him the ac? And I do acknowledge your statement about you not being a prophet, only a watchman. Okay? Thank you.
Very good questions.
I've been watching the wolf who imitated a sheep and deceived the majority of Christians in America to get in power for many years.
What I've noticed as a watchamn is the religious devotion these deceived Christians have had towards this man in spite of his evil deeds.
He is a perfect example of the clever craftiness of Satan and the coming anti-Christ especially when it comes to his false peace agenda which is weakening and destroying Israel and greatly helping the enemies of God and Israel all by great deception.
Something the Lord showed me some time ago as I was reading Revelation 6:2 "and he went fort conquering .........and to conquer.
While reading that Afghanistan and Iraq were shown as the plural conquering under president Bush's belt and the "to conquer" related to Iran.
The Bible being the perfect word of God makes it clear to me that Bush's intent is 'to conquer' Iran but that he won't get there ,that Iran and their allies Russia,China, ect will hit us before Bush gets the opportunity 'to conquer'.
I don't see anywhere it say the rider on the white horse has to be the nati-Christ, could be but not necessairly.
You have to admit truthseeker that by playing the part of the false peacemaker in place of Jesus the true Prince of Peace for Israel that Bush has arrogantly put himself in this position.
The truly amazing thing in all of this is how Christians have gone out of the way to defend their wolf in sheeps clothing ignoring the warnings of Jesus to not be deceived.
They have fallen for the lie and strong delusion.
It's very possible tha Bush is another in a long list of anti-Christ types like Hitler was and another is on the way but this Road Map FALSE peace causes me to watch him closely as he is already a killer responsible for the deaths of many,many Jews because of his actions against Israel in rewarding Islamic terrorists and restraining Israel.
Another extremely important fact to ponder is how Israel religiously places Bush above God and His word.
We prove by our choices and actions that we either believe God's word or we don't.
I know God has me down for believing His word and exposing the deceiver Bush by this scripture below.
Read Exodus 23: 27-33 This is what God told Israel to do with the Palestinian's ,the exact opposite of what Bush has been forcing Israel to do.
If you don't see the devil in that sweet smile of Bush ,then you are another deceived Christian like so many others who have failed God's test,don't you think ?
It's more serious than many realize because if Bush so easily deceived you then the possible other coming deceiver's will have you for lunch and dinner with ease.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The lost are already deceived and damned.
What seperates me from most Christian's is they don't really love the truth all that much and compromise.
My relationship with the Lord because of being deceived by the Roman religion is 'don't let me be deceived again and lead me in all truth' He has honored my prayer and kept me from many,many deceptions that have shipwrecked the faith of many hundreds of thousands of Christians since then.
They don't really love the truth that much and when God tests them with a Bush ,they fall into the strong delusion and then they fall deeper and deeper and are finally damned.
These corrupted Christian compromisers are already in bed with another enemy of God ,McCain and have fallen into deeper deception.
"We prove by our choices and actions that we either believe God's word or we don't."
Amen!, Amen! and Amen!!
A thousand times Amen!
I wonder if these people realize that they reveal to all with eyes to see who they really believe in ?
It's sure not God or His word.
Most don't even know they failed His test and are already under a stron delusion!
Thats what Jesus was talking about ,the duaghter wil betray the mother the son betray the father and that a man's foes shall be those of his own household.
Their hearts are full of idols just like Lot's wife heart was.
........and they are comfortable with their idols and do not appreciate watchmen throwing mud on them.
How interesting.
Firstly I myself have pondered these questions posed over the past 6 yrs as I witnessed the POWER Bush has over so many.
Back in 2000 I wrote an article at a " Christian" prophecy board outlining the danger I see for the US in a very concise scriptural way and expressed my disgust as I witnessed the "adoration" of this man.
The Lord kept on leading me in the word to the coming judgment,yet I was mocked and ridiculed for daring to "test" the spirits that I saw operate in Bush...many were so disgusted that I dared "judge" their President,I saw a worship of king Bush that grieved the Holy Spirit in me,the more I exposed the error,the more I was shot down.
I saw the god of patriotism being exalted above the Lord God :(
Marcel what is so fascinating is that the Lord confirmed 3 x a scripture that was affirmed through prayer partners about what is required of the watchman on the wall( Is 14 v 4 ) I had placed 'Bush " into this "position" as soon as Habb2 was given to me through my beloved after prayer and fasting.
If I am understanding this scripture correctly,this is when Bush became this Babylonian King by invading Iraq....( built a city on men's blood)
Do you believe I have misinterpreted this incorrectly?
I have a a e- log confirmation to the above statement,if anyone requires that :)
The 100% confirmations to my quesitons to the Lord are always confirmed in His word,by 2 witnesses.
I am in awe.
So I echo the words of Truthseeker,how can he be the King as well as the AC?
In His love and service
Coll Abigail
It's hard to miss that the U.S. Commander in Chief is the real power in Babylon as long as his army is there.
That seems to be changing slowly as Iraq is taking back more authority from King George so I belive that an attack on the U.S. there and here is soon to come.
I se Bush as a type of anti-Christ at this time ,a very good type as he is the one who by peace destroys many in Israel.
Christian ignore his false peace with Israel and look to another for another false peace when it's already here,that's deception they are in,just like Israel looking for another messiah when Jesus was right there in front of them.
Like Hitler was worshiped by nationalist's so too Bush is worshiped by his religious devotees who see him as their teflon idol.
It's amazing how much worship there is of him in Israel
(I committed the unpardonable sin by exposing his evil flaws that they wanted kept hidden)
...and still to this day in Christian circles,after his many blasphemies against God.
Where does it say the rider on the white horse has to be the anti-Christ ? Thats a presumption Christian book writers have made because it seemed to fit ,but does it ?
I think we will know much more when the dust settles after America is attacked by Iran and her allies.
Then out of the chaos anti-Christ will make himself known and we will all be sure who he is.
That time is very close indeed.
For some time (approx 18 months ago) I questioned many things and fell into self-condemnation thinking I needed to do what the Bible and other christians were telling me;ie. Pray for Bush, he's for Israel and go to church. I continuted to feel that maybe I was backslid and didn't know it. It was horrible, but the Lord intercepted, intervened during a very difficult time as He continued to graft me into His tiny flock. "The the righteous scarcely be saved" I had to get on the mainline or I was going to die on the vine. I left church, Bush was exposed and the Lord has brought a very small handful of individuals (1-2) of which I am very grateful. I continue dealing with one the most dedicated member of a "strong" evangelical church in Sherman Oaks, Calif who still believes that Bush is a Christian and we need to pray for him. (Can the devil cast out a devil?)--greives me so when I hear her say, "Jesus told us" to obey magistrates, etc. Yet this church recently escorted her to the door bec her "reputable & prophetic" husband went off and fell away, he is now living on the streets of LA doing drugs (church thinks he has a devil and is not allowed back)
You said: If you don't see the devil in that sweet smile of Bush, then you are another deceived Christian like so many others who have failed God's test,don't you think.
The way I see it is his smile is an evil burning manifestion of things to come and his eyes are like flames. I wish I could say differently, but this is exactly how he shows up for me. I know hypocracy, Praise God as I grew up in it-- the Roman lie.
I will diligently pray on the explainations you have given and connect as led. A Kind thank you for taking the time to answer me back. Godspeed.
July 26: Terrorism analyst Michael Sheehan tells MSNBC's Alex Witt that the TSA's expansion of their registered traveler program might be good news for frequent fliers.
This should probably go into the Airport Blog, but I wanted you to see this....
July 26: Terrorism analyst Michael Sheehan tells MSNBC's Alex Witt that the TSA's expansion of their registered traveler program might be good news for frequent fliers.
Marcel ,
I am in prayer and supplication seeking the Lord .
Is 47 : 3
Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet [thee as] a man.
So if Bush is the rider on the white horse that takes peace from the earth,that means he CONQUERS with deceit?.
The American people were fed the lie about "WOMD" in Iraq as an excuse to go in ,when I exposed the lie,I was hated even more,told I am a South -African that knows zultch!
Am trying to work this all through,please bear with my rambling :)
I believe the appointed time mentioned in scripture is where we are now.
I have sought the Lord on this over the past 16 mon and am more than ever convinced .
He has promised that He will reveal these things unto His servants the saints.
It will be as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
So my question is do you believe we will see this devastating blow to the US before Bush " leaves" office,or does he create this National Security issue to remain in office ?
Always in agape and humility.
Coll Abigail
Habb 2:6
Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth [that which is] not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!
For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
I got the rejection and all the you 'hate' Bush from the idol worshipers but the Lord had prepared me in advance.
My concern is to please Him and not fickle men and fickle women and so I was made aware by the Lord of how lonley this walk would be. HE IS SUFFICENT.
And thank God there is REAL freedom when there is no fear of man,only fear of God.
'greives me so when I hear her say, "Jesus told us" to obey magistrates, etc.'
I'm sure she would have said the same thing about Mao and Stalin and Hitler.
I think when the idol of patriotism is strong ,Christian's do the opposite of Daniel,Shadrach ,Measch and Abednego.
The state,Bush is always right and can do no wrong.
He has become their real LORD a stealth replacement of Jesus.
What did 'she' say when Bush sent an open homosexual to be Ambassador of Romania ?
That his actions superceded God's word 'because he's the president and has a tough job ' ?
Thnaks for the TSA news ,no doubt the police state is on track for AMeirca ,especially with the economy in free fall and Iran.
Coll wrote ;
'So if Bush is the rider on the white horse that takes peace from the earth,that means he CONQUERS with deceit?.'
Got to be very careful ,the rider on the white horse bites off more than he can chew and it's the guy on the red horse with the sword who takes peace from the earth.
WHITE HORSE guy has GONE FORTH CONQUERING Afghanistan and Iraq ,not yet Iran, but Iran makes a surprise move first before Bush or Israel makes his move is what it looks like will happen according to Revelation 6 ,2-3 .
Mind you I'm not a prophet just a WATCHER,digger,seeker and hungry for what God is saying as opposed to book writers for profit.
I ran across a few who also saw Bush as the white horse conqueror of Afghanistan and Iraq but not many. The ten virgins are all asleep as Jesus says in Matt 25
and I can see they are in a coma many of them.
I see Iran,Islam's BIG sword,Red Russia,Red China and have you noticed Hugo Chavez prez of Venezuela is always wearing bright red shirts ,red hats are also very popular there now.
Obadiah has really helped me to understand God's plan for the eagle nation.It's all there ,the battle plan and everything.
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Rev 6:3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
Rev 6:4 And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
you wrote :
He has promised that He will reveal these things unto His servants the saints.
I think He has begun to do so and only to those who are really,really looking ,the majority are not looking.
Keep looking and if I am right and not wrong (which is possible)then when Iran makes her surprise atack move that will usher in the time of tribulation writen of in Revelation.
Remember what Jesus said ;
'As a snare shall it come upon the earth.'
but I won't be snared cause thank God,I'm watching and trying my best to hear what He is saying at this late,late hour.
I just read your Habbakuk scripture
and verse 7 rise up suddenly is just more confirmation to me about Iran attacking us before we know what hit us.
A few years ago, I think 2005 amadinejad warned us that he would not wait to be atttacked and that tougher sanctions would be considered an act of war.
I think God is going to force U.S. to drink the cup of His wrath even if we don't want to. That's why I think a U.S.Naval blockade could possible set off an UNEXPECTED WWII tribulation period.
Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth [that which is] not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay! Hab 2:7 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?
God Bless !
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