This time it is by peace he destroys many as foretold by the prophet Daniel which most Jew's don't seem to be paying much attention to or they wouldn't have fallen so easily for the smiling devil and his Road Map to hell.
Little does this arrogant devil/fool know that he brings about the end of his empire by messing with Israel.
"Livni explained that Israel's legitimacy as the Jewish state is conditional. The Jewish people's right to sovereignty is completely dependent on Israel's acceptance by the international community."It is no accident that Olmert,Barak and Livni are at the top in Israeli politics.
To: Israel
From :International Community
Dear Israel,
There is a global agenda to bring true and lasting peace to the Middle East and that involves a neutered Israel ready for the final knife in the back.
Defeatist Jews who no longer are willing to fight to defent their land and right to live are the only candidates allowed access to grovel before world leaders for whatever meatless bone we may throw at the Jews.
Only beggars like Livni and Olmert are allowed to approach with heads bowed.

No strong leaders are permitted to rule Israel only defeatist,loyal lap dogs who do as they are told.
Livni ,you have proven to be faithful and trustworthy to our agenda of destroying Israel by our brilliant and diabolical peace scheme.
Israel could never be defeated by war ,but this peace farce has proven the perfect instrument to deball Israel and render her crazy for anything with the faintest odor of peace and therefore impotent under our spell.
And so F.M. Livni we salute your defeatist ways which serve us so,so well.
Remember how at the Annapolis Conference to dismember Israel and strengthen the Islamic terrorists sponsered by your closest friend and ally ,you were told to use the servants side door so as not to offend the object of our adoration the Arab League ?
Aaah ,you have proven to be such an obedient and loyal slave,mistress and whore all wrapped into one.
This is only how we tolerate our Jews in the International community.
We think you should be the next Prime minister of Israel.
We all thank the devil Israel has become so fearful to have any strong leader in place because they know we would cut them into pieces and throw them to the wolves ,which by the way we are already doing,ha,ha,ha.

We never thought it would be this easy ,at least we assumed they would put up a fight and not go so willingly to the slaughter again.
You tired, naive Israeli's have yet to understand that Israel is a chosen sacrifice by the world community to the followers of the moon god allah.
We tell your media who to tear down and who to raise up and they are so loyal to their masters and this is why only a weak,defeatist and capitulating leaders like Barak has risen to the top again.
He did such a good job fleeing South Lebanon in the night that we determined he should be Defense Minister at this critical time. Our Ehud Barak singlehandedly birthed the defeatist state of Israel on the run,for that we are infernally grateful.
Israel you Jews make such a good scapegoat now with an army which refuses to fight thank's to good puppets who always do as they are told.
F.M. Livni,we thank you as we thank P.M Olmert and D.M. Barak for your beggardly servitude to us.
For this we will make your end a little less painless than the other's.
Please keep trusting us,it's working so well,this greatest of all Trojan peace schemes.
with great feigned affection,
Ze InternationalCommunity
Here is a different view from Jewish people!
If these Jews are correct in what they believe Torah teaches,then the Zionist state is preventing the Messiah from coming! Or at least that's the feeling I come away with. What's your take on it, Marcelllll?
garbage !
Say this 100 times or until you get it, which ever comes first.
Then maybe your feeling will be well ?
I removed the link you pasted to this sewage site.
Out of all the good things God is doing related to Israel in the midst of bloodthirsty wolves you find this to 'share' ?
You can do better ?
It's no wonder you didn't leave your name.
fur peties sake get on topic and comment on the treachery of the international community against Israel or take a hike.
Tzipi Livni....
or is it Tipsy?
Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord's hand, That made all the earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; Therefore the nations are deranged.
Revelation 14:8 And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
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