Assistant to Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei threatens that 'smallest move' against Islamic Republic over its disputed nuclear program will prompt missile attack on Jewish state, 32 US bases in Middle East 'before the dust from the US missile settles'
walter wrote;
I wanted to send you a link to this YOUTUBE presentation.
In my opinion, it is worth a viewing [the stuff i have viewed so far, seems mostly OK].
I recommend you to view this 6th Trumpet, part 2 first, as it demonstrates *the detail* this guy is willing to present to others.
The 6th Trumpet Bible Prophecy - Islam Attacks! Part 2 of 3
His YOUTUBE page is...
Bear in mind, on dailup, it takes me > 2 hrs to d/load each presentation.
So far, I have only watched Parts 1 & 2 of,
The 6th Trumpet Bible Prophecy - Islam Attacks!
And parts 1, 2, and 3, of
5th Trumpet - Rise of Islam and Mohammad
All the best, Walter
Hi Walter,
Thanks for the links .
I didn't agree with this persons private interpertations on many things like the breastplates being trukish army uniforms or the third part of mankind killed
the 200million man army,the focus on past history with idols and hammer time when so much NOW is happening.
And I only watched the first second and part of the third video's.
I did agree with his view on the fake early rapture.
I can't link to them ,they're just his view which he attempts to put the KJV stamp on.
Thats great presumption on his part.
I did find another interesting video on the right margins list related to Islam and 666.
I was paying $19.95 for dial up and now pay $19.95 for high speed.
Theres no way I could go back to dial up for this price,especially after you reminded me of how much time is wasted downloading.
"Iran threatens to 'cut off' enemies' hands"
Interesting how amadinejad is openly talking about a pre-emptive attack.
I hear Israle and the U.S. carelessly talking about hitting Iran at a future undisclosed time,completely forgetting that Amadinejad said over 5 years ago that Iran would not wait ti be attacked.
It's clear to me that the West is stuck on stupid and unaware of a sudden destruction sneak attack from Iran.
Marcel said,
".....I only watched the first second and part of the third video's.
I did agree with his view on the fake early rapture.
I can't link to them....."
Fair enough Marcel.
My take, in brief he,
...was a catholic, but now denounces catholicism,
...denounces Hagee doctrine [6th Trumpet, part 1],
...believes that early rapture doctrine is wrong,
...recognises ISLAM, as from SATAN.
...But i have only watched 5 of his presentations, but will look to see what else he has to say.
Regards dialup.
I have a cheap, unlimited dialup plan atm.
Regular broadband is not available in my remote [200 km from capital city] location.
Regular broadband is available within my local town, but not where i live.
I could get 'satellite' broadband for 3 x what i pay now, and that would be with limited downloads [i.e. pay for 'excess' d/l].
I'm a patient man.
Patience is a precious gift.
Here is the patiernce of the saints.....
I look at this internet work as temporary for us here in the U.S.
Jesus said to work while it is light for the night comes when no man can work.
Lots of these big,greedy companies in the U.S are being judged by God now and collapsing.
I didn't tell you how these crooks charge 1$ a minute for calls to Canada to recoup their losses.
I had to dump long distance and go to a pre-paid phone card.(MUCH CHEAPER and it's the same company,AT&T)
It's a job to stay ahead of these greedy crooks in nice suits.
So far DSL @19.95 is working ,but I don't know for how much longer.
President George W Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran - London Times
President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official.
What Iranians really think
Isaiah 13:17 "Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, Who will not regard silver; And as for gold, they will not delight in it.
Jeremiah 51:11 Make the arrows bright! Gather the shields! The Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it, Because it is the vengeance of the Lord, The vengeance for His temple.
Jeremiah 51:28 Prepare against her the nations, With the kings of the Medes, Its governors and all its rulers, All the land of his dominion.
everything is ready and in place.
sudden destruction,and they shall not escape.
Ahmadinejad: End of US empire imminent
Russia to 'neutralise' US missile defence threat: report
Mark 13:37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"
They can see the collapsing economy ,the spread too thin U.S. military,the billions wasted ,bled in Iraq and see their time has come.
Most American's are under a strong dose of lies and delusion and cannot see.
Their world will be turned upside down and 'hearts failing them for fear '
Thanks for the links
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday predicted end of the US empire saying that the world countries should get ready for a situation when the US hegemony perishes. Talking to Iran's ambassadors to the Persian Gulf states, he called for efforts to establish a long-term and lasting relations with the Persian Gulf countries
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