And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity;
and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the
haughtiness of the terrible.
I will make a man more precious than fine gold;
even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
Therefore I will shake the
heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
Isaiah 13
The corruption of leadership reaches across the global where good men are more rare than the gold of ophir.
The corruption of mankind has reached a par with Noah's generation.
Whle the lying media covers up often for easily bribed official's and paints a picture of honor and respect for amoral,power hungry,devious men and women,God sees their wicked hearts behind their smiles for the camera's which so easily decieved the dumbed down sheeple.
The cup of the rule of man on earth has reached to overflowing wickedness and corruption.
We are not evolving but devolving as we have thrown off God's laws and chased after His curse.
There is a misconception that we are supposed to honor/respect evil men just because they rule over us.
How foolish,the call to honor or respect evil , such as a corrupt,lying pervert like ex-President Bill Clinton ,but that is what the evil world does along with strong delusion apostate Christian's.
An evil president who claims Islam is a religion of peace and to fight a nebulous war on terror while treacherously betraying the Jewish people with a false peace while ALWAYS rewarding Israel's enemies is greatly respected,protected and honored by apostate, backslid Christian's.
This lie dosn't fly as we honor God and submit to Him when He allows evil men to rule over the land for the purpose of judgment.
Stalin,Mao,Hitler,Amadinejad,Bush,Olmert are just a few examples.
The majority of these arrogant and lawless rulers assume they are above any law and have no accountability to anyone (so they think)
But God does bring down and raise up rulers ,in His time.
I don't know if this Israeli P.M. Olmert,a corrupt pawn of evil U.S. Policy to destroy Israel by President Bush's false Peace Road Map will soon fall in shame ,but whatsoever a man soweth ,that shall he also reap and he seems to be reaping an unpleasant reward.
It could be that in Israel there just might be accountability and justice unlike the thouroughly corrupt U.S. where we have fallen into the sewer of corruption with no rope.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will be questioned again Friday about the hundreds of thousands of dollars he allegedly received over 15 years from Jewish-American millionaire Morris Talansky. The interview comes amid heightened wrangling between the police and Olmert's associates.
A police source said Thursday that the allegations are extremely serious and that an ordinary citizen would have been arrested by now had such accusations been leveled.
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