In a lecture in New York City a few weeks ago, he shared informationthat EVERY American needs to know--but that our government has not yet shared with us. (and never will /m.c)
The whole article is worth the read ,this is just an exerpt.
2) He talked about how some idiot tried to light his shoe on fire. Because of that, now everyone has to take off their shoes. A group of idiots tried to bring aboard liquid explosives. Now we can't bring liquids on board. He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; at which point, security will have us all traveling naked! Every strategy we have is 'reactionary.'
3) We only focus on security when people are heading to the gates Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/wherepeople are checking in. It would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom or get a drink, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved. In Israel, security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.
Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people congregate. (i. e., Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, big cities (New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.) and that it will also include shopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, etc., as well as rural America this time (Wyoming, Montana, etc.).
The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country (terrorists like big impact), involving at least 5-8 cities, including rural areas. Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, they can simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.
Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U. S. government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts.
Aviv also predicts that the U. S. will attack Iran & Syria BEFORE Bush leaves office. Since our troop force is stretched at the moment, the U.S. will likely resort to using small, strategic nuclear weapons, even though the headlines the next day will read 'US Nukes Islamic World'. The world is quickly going to become 'a different place,' and issues like 'global warming' and political correctness will become totally irrelevant.
The whole article is worth the read ,this is just an exerpt.
2) He talked about how some idiot tried to light his shoe on fire. Because of that, now everyone has to take off their shoes. A group of idiots tried to bring aboard liquid explosives. Now we can't bring liquids on board. He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; at which point, security will have us all traveling naked! Every strategy we have is 'reactionary.'
3) We only focus on security when people are heading to the gates Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/wherepeople are checking in. It would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom or get a drink, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved. In Israel, security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.
Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people congregate. (i. e., Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, big cities (New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.) and that it will also include shopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, etc., as well as rural America this time (Wyoming, Montana, etc.).
The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country (terrorists like big impact), involving at least 5-8 cities, including rural areas. Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, they can simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.
Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U. S. government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts.
Aviv also predicts that the U. S. will attack Iran & Syria BEFORE Bush leaves office. Since our troop force is stretched at the moment, the U.S. will likely resort to using small, strategic nuclear weapons, even though the headlines the next day will read 'US Nukes Islamic World'. The world is quickly going to become 'a different place,' and issues like 'global warming' and political correctness will become totally irrelevant.
On an encouraging note, he says that Americans don't have to be concerned about being nuked. Aviv says the terrorists who want to destroy America will not use sophisticated weapons.
(experts like Aviv leave out the real threat from Russia & China who will use nukes against us)
They like to use suicide as a front-line approach. It's cheap, it's easy, it's effective; and they have an infinite abundance of young militants more than willing to 'meet their destiny.'
He also says the next level of terrorists, over which America should be most concerned, will not be coming from abroad. But will be, instead, 'homegrown' - having attended and been educated in our own schools and universities right here in the U. S. He says to look for 'students' who frequently travel back and forth to the Middle East. These young terrorists will be most dangerous because they will know our language and will fully understand the habits of Americans; but that we Americans won't know/understand a thing about them.............
Aviv says that the U. S. government has in force a plan that, in the event of another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off EVERYONE's ability to use cell phones, blackberries, etc., as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated.How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot speak? You need to have a plan.
Aviv says that the U. S. government has in force a plan that, in the event of another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off EVERYONE's ability to use cell phones, blackberries, etc., as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated.How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot speak? You need to have a plan.
SOME Nextel/Boost Phones have a feature called DirecTalk or MotoTalk.
This feature is independent of the cell network and is totally private from what I've read on sites like Howard Forums.
It has a range of up to 6 miles. Line of sight is a big deal with this as I've tried it. It does work though.
does it work off of cell towers ?
Is it EMP proof ?
It should be interesting to see how all this unfolds.
Looking at the long lines ouside INDYMAC bank in Pasadena TODAY waiting long hours to get their money, many were surprised that this was happening to them.
They were under a false sense of sewcurity and unprepared and caught off guard as all of this will catch most people.
"does it work off of cell towers ?"
No, it works handset to handset. Totally off tower.
Is it EMP proof ?
No, but this will help:
Ammo box without the rubber gasket with a smaller plastic box inside that.......sounds cheap.
I've also read that if you wrap electronics in bubble wrap and then a mylar emergency blanket, it will work as a poor mans faraday cage.
this same article made the rounds a few months back.any reason to reprint it now?thanks for work dave in ct
If you're one of just a few who prepare there will be little communication.
I think the radio stations will be down and maybe a few ham radio operators if that ?
It will be a good time to expand communication with God and Praise God ,no more commercial's !!!!!!
This was the first time I remember seeing Yuval's comments.
I might have forgotten it ,but it's worth repeating again as we are closer to a preemptive strike by Iran.
Something is in the air.
Many have forgotten Iran's credible threat spoken many years ago that they would not wait to be attacked.
yes i remember discussing this article with some co workers.i believe before Christmas.i was just curious if this was an update maybe it is just making the rounds by email?has any one seen the oreilly show mentioned? praying for you. dave in ct
If you discussed it last year ,it seems it's making the rounds.
I ouit satellite TV in 2003, so I can't tell you about O'Reilly.
Thanks for your prayers.
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