If the dollar falls as the global currency ,the U.S. empire falls.
War's have been used in the past to keep desperate empires from sinking.
While the worthless U.S. media keeps us informed of men in their lawn chairs with large balloons here's what's happening that they choose not to report to the masses they have dumbed down.
'A newspaper in the United Arab Emirates says the tiny Gulf state's government is lobbying neighboring countries to depeg their currencies from the US dollar to curb inflation.
The National, which is owned by the Abu Dhabi ruling family, reported Sunday that the UAE is calling on all six Gulf Cooperation Council member states to "rethink" their monetary policy amid soaring inflation in the oil-rich region.
It cited an internal report by Abu Dhabi's Department of Planning and Economy.
The GCC members are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman. All of their currencies are pegged to the dollar except Kuwait, which depegged its currency, the dinar, from the dollar in May 2007 in favor of a basket of currencies. '
James said ;
Babylon the great is falling, is falling....
A little aside about this ahem.... "wonderful" monetary instrument:
To look at a dollar bill and say to yourself, "This is from a Christian country." is the epitome of deception.
It has been said, "The dollar bill is perhaps the most occult document ever conceived in the history of the world."
The Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the One Dollar Bill from arfilms.org will be coming out in December, if there is a December.....
I found this on YouTube:
marcel said this about the video;
The music was from hell and the graphics seemed to mesmerize people with the continued flashing of the occultic symbol's.
The last (Mystery Babylon) you tube video was pink floyd music.
I don't like the clean/ unclean mixture.It's leaven and pollution.
The debt of the USA if entitlements are included in the equasion exceeds 45 trillion dollars. A former official in the Reagan White House, Kevin Phillips, was on CSPAN late last evening and what he says is shocking. The figures are being fudged regarding unemployment in the US, the figure is not 5%, it is near 10%. The GNP is not a mere 1.something growth, it is actually minus almost 2%. We are heading backwards fast and the powers that be, including major media (that are influnced by big business,) are going along with the fiasco of hiding truth.
The banking scandal's of the 1980's with the S&L crisis are minor and not comparable to the mess we are in now. As soon as the nations of the world stop using the dollar as a benchmark, which is already happening, we are a third world nation. We might as well change our name to the United States of Zimbabwe or something similar.
mtzion@hughes.net jrpeacher
Yes, its a shame some of the most informative videos are all rock music themed.
I grew up in the era of rock's birth and was part of it and so I have an even greater revulsion to it.
Please ,no more of the devils brew.
The shame is also spread to the silent,comatose church in bed with the beast.
They love her apple pie and all the many other idols.
"We were saved at the last minute. Things in the U.S. are going far worse that people think," Lippens said in an interview with De Telegraaf"
more evidence of the
amerikan police state
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