(exerpts from Jim Searcy's GJIGT Yahoo groups)
Islam is nothing other than an Arab National Movement following a Satanic terrorist manual called the Quran, or Koran. The satanic religious movement was the dream of Mohammed who wanted everything under his control. Islam was a convenient religious excuse for him to do this.
Allah is NOT the true God. The true God can fight His own battles. The true God sets free from bondage. Every false god is a control freak. Allah, the name of the moon god of Arabia for 1000 years before Mohammed was born, is one of the many names for Lucifer,Satan, the devil. Satan is obviously the god of the Koran, and Mohammed, Allah's prophet, is the prophet of Satan's largest religion, known as Islam. The fact and historic truth that Allah is the moon god of Arabia, is why anywhere in the world one always finds the crescent moon above and around all Mosques of Islam. Allah is just one of many of Satan's aliases.For this movement to be successful, Mohammed had to find a way to control people and justify the brutal merciless terror killings, to enforce the submission and bondage to this Satanic religious system of control. Islam was devised and propagated by a band of reprobate demonically bound terrorists. The beginning of Mohammed's satanic religion of bondage was to divide the Arabian society in two tight compartments, Momins and Kafirs.
All who are not Momins, those in submission to Satan's religion of Islam, are Kafirs. The word MOMIN means believer in Mohammed and Allah. In contrast, a KAFIR is a non-believer. Kafirs are sub-human by Islamic definition. The Momins did not have to be better men than the Kafirs in terms of character or morals. Momins only had to recite, "there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet." By doing that the Momins become qualified to kill as many Kafirs as they would like, to loot their possessions, and enslave their women and children.
Satan comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan is the father of lies and the father of all liars. We should be able to see how perfectly Allah fits that description, complete with the Koran terrorist manual to teach satanic terrorism, hatred, ignorance,cruelty, bigotry, and PRIDE in the despicable, demonic, wicked bondage of Islam. No one should have difficulty figuring that Mohammed is Allah's prophet. He was among history's all time great criminal psychopaths. The so-called holy books of Satan's largest religion brag with great pride in regard to Mohammed's reprobate character and wicked actions.
A reasonable question to ask is why Islam is not banned in the Kafir nations when any Kafir religion is so obviously banned in Muslim or Momin nations ?
The Momins of Mohammed's religion of killing, stealing, and enslavement, would not be risking their lives in Mohammed's holy wars for nothing. Four-fifths of the booty and prisoners captured in their criminal warfare was theirs to keep, in accordance with the law laid down in the Quran by the prophet himself. Mohammed only demanded 20% of whatever was the loot and slaves gained by Islam's wars against all who would not submit to the satanic Allah moon god of Arabia. The prisoners included quite a number of fair and young maidens for the lust of the Momin's sanctioned by their prophet's word and example.
No wonder that the infant state of Islam at Medina was able to assemble very soon quite a number of dedicated swordsmen without spending a penny from its own coffers. The principle of free enterprise applied to plunder and pillage was functioning with full force.
The prophet of Islam proclaimed that Allah has assigned the whole world to the Momins. Not a patch was to be left for the Kafirs to dwell. But it seems that Allah's knowledge of geography was not so good. It looks like Allah's Prophet Mohammed had not heard of many lands beyond Syria, Iraq, Persia, Ethiopia, and Egypt.
Notwithstanding this lack of geographical knowledge, the prophet divided the world in two contending spheres--darul-Islam (the zone of peace where the Muslims were the dominant element) and darul-Harb(the zone of war where the Kafirs or non-muslims held sway). Some of the great expositors and apologists of Satan's largest religion make this clear. In their own words, the philosophy that lies behind Islam is stunning and proves the consummate political skill of the Prophet Mohammed: by declaring all Muslims as one nation and the non-Muslims as another, he created the Two Nation Theory, perpetually setting Muslims against non-Muslims. Always he and his proclaimers would stress that in this struggle the Muslims would be victorious.
This philosophy is seen practiced in the modern times.
The partition of India was based totally on this. Pakistan and Bangladesh are darul-
Islam whereas India is darul-Harb. The religious wars in Bosnia were also based on this. It is sad that Clinton bombed the Christians for the sake of darul-Islam. Even the so-called Road Map seeks to establish darul –Islam in the darul-Harb of Israel.
Mohammed declared that Allah made him the Model of Practice for his followers. It has come to mean that the Muslims must copy him in everything, they must eat, drink, walk and talk like him. The religious leadership must even look like him, and is why they grow beards like his, and dress like him. This is what is called following the Sunnah, or the Prophetic Model which is the guarantee of salvation IF Sura 19.71 is given no count and disregarded.
Sura 19.71 explicitly states ALL Muslims are going to hell – NO ESCAPE, No
All noted Islamic expositors have affirmed this explicit fact and truth of Sura 19.71. Hell was created for the devil and his angels. It should not be a surprising explicit truth to those so hopelessly bound in the devil's largest religion and prevented from hearing THE Gospel.
Islam is designed to induce pride, respect, and love for Arabia.
There are express commands of Islam's prophet that state that a person is not Muslim until he loves Islam's prophet more than his own father and mother. The idea is that people must be weaned from their own nationalities and motherlands, and attached firmly to Mecca. This is the reason that the Muslims of America, Europe, India and every other nation, call their own homeland the battlefield of darul-Harb and Arabia, darul–Islam, the fountain of peace and celestial glory. This should make it easy for all to understand why the Muslims of India partitioned their own nation of birth to divide the nation to form Pakistan and Bangladesh nations where the Arab cultural values could be practiced and all other native cultures abolished.
The prophet, Mohammed took the following steps to ensure the superiority of darul-Islam by having things like the following put into the Koran terrorist manual:
When Adam was evicted from paradise, he came to Mecca where he built the first house of God. This causes the ones bound in Satan's largest religion to identify Godliness with the Kabbah, as a sanctuary of Mecca where god lives.
For the purpose of imposing Arab psychological superiority on non-Arab Muslims, Mohammed ordered that all Muslims of all other nations must prostrate themselves five-times-a-day facing Mecca. This is not only an act of submission to Mecca, the capital city of Arabia, but also proves beyond a shadow of doubt to the Muslim that god lives in Mecca. Otherwise why should people prostrate in that direction? A Muslim must not defecate himself or answer the call of nature facing Mecca. It is a blasphemous act in view of the sanctity of Mecca. When Muslims die, they must be buried facing Mecca, which is the guarantee of their salvation IF they have never heard of, or do not believe the explicit truth of Sura 19.71......
In Mohammed's religion Jews, Christians, and all others are to be cast into flaming hell no matter how righteous, moral, godly and God-fearing they may have been. Goodness, virtue, righteousness, has nomeaning or value without believing in Mohammed and the greatness of Mecca according to the greatest prophet of Satan's largest religion.Intercession could be said to be the crown of Mohammed's satanic religious genius. It is this Muslim belief which gives the Muslim the hope of eternal unlimited free sex and economic abundance. It is Mohammed's intercession that makes the Muslim feel obliged to kill in the name of Islam. This is why they are ever ready to be traitors to the land of their birth, if not born in Mecca. Someone once said Satan's religion is anything goes and/or God will not punish sin.
Islam is the biggest religion in which anything goes including the most criminal religious philosophy VOID of moral responsibility. It should help understand the reason behind all of the countless Muslimkillings, rapes, arsons, desecrations, and looting done by Muslims throughout history. ............
That Sura 4.144 makes clear the fact that a true Muslim can never be a friend of any Kafir or person who is not in submission to Satan's largest religion of Islam. Maybe the Muslims are right in thinking people of other religions who tolerate the religion of Islam are not too smart. Thinking that Islam is a peaceful religion is like thinking the devil is a good guy, and is an antichrist DELUSION. Maybe this is why all Muslims really believe that all non-Muslims are
Mohammed, among other things, promised his followers 72 Houris (Beautiful Virgin Women) and virility of 100 men in 'Jannat' (Heaven). Why virility of 100 men and only 72 houris? Why not 100 houris? The answer is very simple--the prophet Mohammed promises these Muslims that they will also be given 28 young boys in addition to the 72 houris for their sexual pleasure.
These are just a few facts which expose the true nature of Islam as Satan's largest religion. To those who would dare say we dislike or come short in any respect in loving Muslims – NO, such thinking would be very wrong. We have our life on the line every day as we seek toget the epistle of First John and the first four chapters of Hebrews,in their own language, directly into the hands of as many as 1000 Muslims per month. We are happy to put our life on the line every day, to love the Muslims with the truth of THE Gospel which could set them free from the bondage of Satan's largest religion.
Sometimes it is discouraging to know that of the hundreds of thousands who are helped in some small way by the GJiGT, how VERY FEW ever do any tangible thing to sustain us in this calling. To you very few who have helped, we are thankful to God, and praise Him for your help and encouragement. We would like to be able to do more, and we are keenly aware of the false accusations, the death threats, and that fewer than 1 in 25,000 people to whom we have served in some way, ever think of doing anything tangible to help in this unusual calling, which includes personally doing something BIBLICAL, and GENUINELY LOVING these poor people bound in Satan's largest religion.Yes, we do need help. If it were not true, I would not say that.
NO,the Christian thing is NOT tolerating Islam or bombing the Muslims to the Hell they are most certainly bound. A THOUSAND TIMES NO!
Brethren, Satan's largest religion is so large because of how great is our collective Christian failure in the Great Commission. Your calling is the same as mine, regarding the bondage of over a billion people in Satan's largest religion. ALL of us are called to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins,and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in
The Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua THE Messiah. God does not send everyone, but He did send us. It simply is not possible to do what we were sent to do unless there are some who would think to honor the Lord by tangibly helping to sustain those who did answer His call to be sent. Please, pray for us.Islam is Satan's largest religion to keep over a billion people in bondage to hate, ignorance, lies, and the hopelessness of the lowest of the low. The followers of Islam generally have not had opportunity to hear the truth which could set them free from the tyrannical
demons which have them so totally bound. Many of them do not really know anything better than killing and torturing people in the name of Allah. They do this because a perverted criminal psychopath was put in the religion business by Vatican Roma in the seventh century to KILL PEOPLE of THE BOOK. These poor people tragically bound in
Satan's largest religion need THE Gospel. Few things could be more antichrist than to tolerate Satan's largest religion.
[19.71] And there is not one of you (Muslims) but shall come to it
(hell); this is an unavoidable decree of your Lord.
The Great Commission is that we, you and me, do something about this largest religion of Satan. It is our duty to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in THE Lord Jesus Christ.
That is LOVE. NO, we will NOT tolerate Satan's largest religion. NO, we will not respect Satan's largest religion. YES, if necessary, we will give our life to get the Truth of THE Gospel to see people be set free from the bondage, (the meaning of the word Islam), ofSatan's largest religion.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Pray Psalm 83 every day.
Only be very strong and of good courage. Stay IN the Word.
From Chittim, Isa 23:1,
Shalom & Simcha,
Jim Searcy
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