Gustav,An extremely powerful storm making landfall in the U.S. on Monday, the day the President is supposed to speak at the Republican National Convention.
Emergency meetings ,what to do ?
Someone is throwing a monkey wrench into the plans of the evil ones who divide His land under the lie of peace.
We're all going to pay for the evil our present leader is doing.
Could this be God sending Bush and the unholier than thou hypocrites His thank you for all they are doing to amputate tiny Israel ?
Zechariah 12:3 ,God's word is sure and sometimes swift.

At this time the U.S. is working hard to divide Jerusalem and steal the land God has allotted to the Jewish people and Hurricane Gustave grows stronger.
The warnings against dividing the land which He has proclaimed in Joel and Zechariah go unheeded.
Is it possible that God has already birthed a response in the Caribbean to the Bush,Rice agenda they are pushing hard down Israel's throat ?
I read at 'The Edge' that Gustav means 'staff of the Lord' and that it is the 7 th named tropical storm of this season.
The same day Rice works Satan's agenda against Israel is the exact same time Gustav has awakened with growing power and fury.
Could it be that God's promise to cut in pieces(Zechariah 12:3) those who divide His Jerusalem and land comes this way possibly even to New Orlean's on the installment plan with even more and greater destruction on the way than Katrina ?
According to God's promise I am looking for extremely bad things to happen to the nation which meddles with His Israel.
Tropical Strom Fay and the 45-60 mile an hour winds brought 6 needed inches of rain for me but much damage and flooding for many people across Florida.
If God does respond with a major Hurricane it will be a clear message that He is no longer deferring judgment and it is now immediate. His patience has run out and His promise to cut in pieces has arrived.

JERUSALEM – Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, completing a visit to the region today, has been pressing Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem by offering the Palestinians a state in Israel's capital city as well as in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to top diplomatic sources involved in the talks.
The Israeli team, led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, has been negotiating the division of Jerusalem – despite claims to the contrary – but would rather conclude an agreement on paper by the end of the year that would give the Palestinians a state in the West Bank, Gaza and some Israeli territory, leaving conclusions on Jerusalem for a later date, the informed diplomatic sources told WND.
The sources said the Palestinian team has been pushing to conclude a deal by January on all core issues, including Jerusalem, and has been petitioning the U.S. to pressure Israel into signing an agreement on paper that offers the Palestinians eastern Jerusalem.
Rice, the sources said, has asked Israeli leaders to bend to what the U.S. refers to as a "compromise position," concluding an Israeli-Palestinian agreement by the end of the year that guarantees sections of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. But Israel would not be required to withdraw from Jerusalem for a period of one to five years.
The diplomatic sources said the plan is that once an Israeli-Palestinian deal is reached on paper by January, Bush would issue an official letter guaranteeing that the U.S. supports the conclusions of the document.
Any Israeli-Palestinian paper agreement is to finalize a process that began at last November's U.S. backed Annapolis conference, which seeks to create a Palestinian state, at least on paper, before Bush leaves office.
One Palestinian negotiator speaking to WND described as "crazy" the intensity and frequency of Israeli-Palestinian talks in recent weeks, saying both sides have been meeting on a daily basis, usually at the highest levels. The negotiator said Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Chief Palestinian Negotiator Ahmed Queri have been leading the talks.
The negotiator said Jerusalem is being discussed by both sides and that the two teams are "closer than ever" on coming to an agreement on the status of the city.
This claim was verified to WND by other diplomatic sources involved in the negotiations.
The Palestinian negotiator said Jerusalem would be divided along the framework of the 2000 U.S.-brokered Camp David accords.
The warnings against dividing the land which He has proclaimed in Joel and Zechariah go unheeded.
Is it possible that God has already birthed a response in the Caribbean to the Bush,Rice agenda they are pushing hard down Israel's throat ?
I read at 'The Edge' that Gustav means 'staff of the Lord' and that it is the 7 th named tropical storm of this season.
The same day Rice works Satan's agenda against Israel is the exact same time Gustav has awakened with growing power and fury.
Could it be that God's promise to cut in pieces(Zechariah 12:3) those who divide His Jerusalem and land comes this way possibly even to New Orlean's on the installment plan with even more and greater destruction on the way than Katrina ?
According to God's promise I am looking for extremely bad things to happen to the nation which meddles with His Israel.
Tropical Strom Fay and the 45-60 mile an hour winds brought 6 needed inches of rain for me but much damage and flooding for many people across Florida.
If God does respond with a major Hurricane it will be a clear message that He is no longer deferring judgment and it is now immediate. His patience has run out and His promise to cut in pieces has arrived.

JERUSALEM – Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, completing a visit to the region today, has been pressing Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem by offering the Palestinians a state in Israel's capital city as well as in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to top diplomatic sources involved in the talks.
The Israeli team, led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, has been negotiating the division of Jerusalem – despite claims to the contrary – but would rather conclude an agreement on paper by the end of the year that would give the Palestinians a state in the West Bank, Gaza and some Israeli territory, leaving conclusions on Jerusalem for a later date, the informed diplomatic sources told WND.
The sources said the Palestinian team has been pushing to conclude a deal by January on all core issues, including Jerusalem, and has been petitioning the U.S. to pressure Israel into signing an agreement on paper that offers the Palestinians eastern Jerusalem.
Rice, the sources said, has asked Israeli leaders to bend to what the U.S. refers to as a "compromise position," concluding an Israeli-Palestinian agreement by the end of the year that guarantees sections of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. But Israel would not be required to withdraw from Jerusalem for a period of one to five years.
The diplomatic sources said the plan is that once an Israeli-Palestinian deal is reached on paper by January, Bush would issue an official letter guaranteeing that the U.S. supports the conclusions of the document.
Any Israeli-Palestinian paper agreement is to finalize a process that began at last November's U.S. backed Annapolis conference, which seeks to create a Palestinian state, at least on paper, before Bush leaves office.
One Palestinian negotiator speaking to WND described as "crazy" the intensity and frequency of Israeli-Palestinian talks in recent weeks, saying both sides have been meeting on a daily basis, usually at the highest levels. The negotiator said Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Chief Palestinian Negotiator Ahmed Queri have been leading the talks.
The negotiator said Jerusalem is being discussed by both sides and that the two teams are "closer than ever" on coming to an agreement on the status of the city.
This claim was verified to WND by other diplomatic sources involved in the negotiations.
The Palestinian negotiator said Jerusalem would be divided along the framework of the 2000 U.S.-brokered Camp David accords.
Marcel said:
If God does respond with a major Hurricane it will be a clear message that He is no longer deferring judgment and it is now immediate. His patience has run out and His promise to cut in pieces has arrived
With that in mind, a small word of caution may be added....that if this storm does run its course with Monday being the day to hit the coastlines of LA/TX, the oil platforms surrounding this gulf line will have already been closed, if not shut down entirely(some of theses platforms are, at this moment, being abandoned). Then with Monday being Labor Day, all U.S. financial markets are closed. It could be interesting to watch how violent trading activity might be on Tuesday after a three day close during this critical time, thus rocking the cradle of fear and greed when the NYSE reopens on Tuesday only to find how much oil will have skyrocketed to a whole new level during this potential disaster. Just and observation...and if the hurricane does not hit, oil may likely fall.
Either way, Our God Rules in His Time! Thx
The way NHC and AccuWeather are talking ,it's supposed to be a big,powerful storm.
All of this happening when the RNC has their Convention in Minneapolis.
Is this God's way of thanking Bush for his efforts to disembowel Israel like we had with Katrina ?
Proud witchy,decadent New Orlean's again ?
Interesting how it veered south for Jamica.
Time will tell .
Then we have Haanah and two other tropical disturbances that might develop and then we have the rising tension with Russia and earthquake activity in the North West,and God only knows what other shoe is soon to drop.
I know after Fay and all the rain we should soon be hearing about mosquito's and the west nile virus.
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